it looks like small labels get some breaks ...

Knockwurst Mortem
150 employees? When I think of small labels, I picture some long haired dude packaging cd's in his garage. A buck fifty sounds pretty damn huge.

Also agree 100% with Furious B. I would hate to see a bunch of yunts who were Slipknot masked man #5 fanboys 2 weeks ago, headbanging to arcturus.
Atlas Shrugged said:
150 employees? When I think of small labels, I picture some long haired dude packaging cd's in his garage. A buck fifty sounds pretty damn huge.

same here. just judging by how sometimes they ship me a cd in three days and sometimes a week and a half, I always pictured three runaway mormons hiding somewhere in a dank cellar in salt lake city, shipping out the devil's music.
Under 200 employees = small business.

But anyhow, why is there a problem with a label like The End, who are NOT owned by the big media conglomerates, getting big? Some of you dudes are way too worried about success, if I was a dude like Andreas and Tomer and my sitting in my mom's basement days were behind me because I was making cash doing the work I love I'd BE HAPPY.

Also, screw the elitist stance that "I don't want everyday chumps listening to my favorite bands." Yes they are morons, guess what, so are you and I. Get over it.

EDIT: should that be you and me? My grammEr radar is off kilter today. :dopey:
i doubt there are 150 people working for TER ... you know how many discs they would have to sell for that kind of overhead????

I did consulting work before for the Roadrunner HQ offices in NY and even there were maybe 40 people tops ...
One Inch Man said:
Under 200 employees = small business.

But anyhow, why is there a problem with a label like The End, who are NOT owned by the big media conglomerates, getting big? Some of you dudes are way too worried about success, if I was a dude like Andreas and Tomer and my sitting in my mom's basement days were behind me because I was making cash doing the work I love I'd BE HAPPY.

Also, screw the elitist stance that "I don't want everyday chumps listening to my favorite bands." Yes they are morons, guess what, so are you and I. Get over it.

EDIT: should that be you and me? My grammEr radar is off kilter today. :dopey:

right on wigger ...

like Chris Rock said ... all the people "keepin it real" .... yeah .... "keepin it real dumb"