It should be easier this way....


A human being !?!
Hey there, mates...
I am just interested... who in here was on one (or even more) concerts of the current Anathema tour??? Did you meet other forum.members there???Please post your thoughts/opinions/links to your pics here... its should be way easier to find it directly in one single thread like... (just my, I am a bit lazy sometimes :D ....)... or am I just too stupid to find a thread like this that does excist already??????????????????? :err:
its randomly posted throughout a cpl of threads, yeh ;)

i only been to the Tiburg show, met Dries (marginale), Lotte + Ralph, Bastet + hb, and erm..
Aerwen said:
Hey there, mates...
I am just interested... who in here was on one (or even more) concerts of the current Anathema tour??? Did you meet other forum.members there???Please post your thoughts/opinions/links to your pics here... its should be way easier to find it directly in one single thread like... (just my, I am a bit lazy sometimes :D ....)... or am I just too stupid to find a thread like this that does excist already??????????????????? :err:

Well, to answer my own question...
I`ve met Mariner, DragonLady, Cerulean and Althea in Bochum
My pics should appear on DragonLadies page: concert-pics
Coz I suck at doing html and that... TY CARO... btw...
Cheers Pieter, btw.... :worship:
DragonLady1 said:
ah yes we had a few in other threads but I dont remember... well u know we met in Bochum (with the belgians) and then I was also in Munich, where I met Snow2Fall :)

You know I am lazy :D ... I don`t want to search every f****** thread like to find all the links like.... o_O
Thats just because I don`t have the time to check the whole board that often...
Aerwen said:
Hey there, mates...
I am just interested... who in here was on one (or even more) concerts of the current Anathema tour??? Did you meet other forum.members there???Please post your thoughts/opinions/links to your pics here...
hehe should we post our opinions/thoughts/... about other forum members here? / post their pics?
i was at the biebob in belgium
and yeah well there were heiko and (mariner) who drove me there and vera (gothica) and dries (marginalé) and gorik(cerulean) and irene (bastet) and sandra (lost lenore) and nina and some others i might be forgetting
there were some curly red haired men on stage, they said hello though i'm not sure who they were :err: :cool:

it was nice there i posted somewhere else that there was rather a smell of weed than of sweat in the place and that the gig was more song to song than a whole, but fun nevertheless.
i would like to see this gig in a country like spain or something like. we belgians are a bit spoild.
siderea said:
hehe should we post our opinions/thoughts/... about other forum members here? / post their pics?
i was at the biebob in belgium
and yeah well there were heiko and (mariner) who drove me there and vera (gothica) and dries (marginalé) and gorik(cerulean) and irene (bastet) and sandra (lost lenore) and nina and some others i might be forgetting
there were some curly red haired men on stage, they said hello though i'm not sure who they were :err: :cool:

it was nice there i posted somewhere else that there was rather a smell of weed than of sweat in the place and that the gig was more song to song than a whole, but fun nevertheless.
i would like to see this gig in a country like spain or something like. we belgians are a bit spoild.

Quite a bunch of ppl then....In Bochum it was a bit pathetic... we(means...Cerulean, DragonLady, ALthea and Mariner) had a group of REAL groupies directly standing behind us... DAMN...they talked about things like: "I wanna lick the drops of sweat from Vinnies face" and stuff like that... it was HORRIBLE... but the gig was great... :headbang:

DAMN.. I saw those curly red haired men aswell.... WHO THE F*** MIGHT THAT BE????
Aerwen said:
AM I BLIND LIKE??? WHere was the dog???? :OMG:

here ;)


ps: its NOT a real one :D