It's Agalloch weather

The rest of the modern world says "call us when you get with the times, Dubya worshipping fucktards!", we would, but you'd probably nuke us. :erk:
Demilich said:
The rest of the modern world says "call us when you get with the times, Dubya worshipping fucktards!", we would, but you'd probably nuke us. :erk:

lol...hand over the "weapons of mass destruction." OMGWTFZZZZZ!!!!! :Puke:

edit - then after we find none, we'll make the excuse of liberating you.

No, really, I just wanted to check out this edit box thingy again. It rules so hard.
Iconoclastic Tendencies said:
Yes, IIRC we're desperate for nurses. They make less than they make in the states (hence why we're desperate). Yes you can still speak english but french is reccomended (fucking quebec).
yeah. ive thought of moving up there before. but, youre right, we make more here. i have a canadian RN friend who left ontario for that reason. canada's nice though.
dorian gray said:
yeah. ive thought of moving up there before. but, youre right, we make more here. i have a canadian RN friend who left ontario for that reason. canada's nice though.

found him!

edit: fuck, i can't even remember which other post i'm answering my own question from anymore
haha! yeah, i just found that.
anyway, i dont remember anymore. that was the kind of shit you learn in class and then immediately forget.
it's god damn 53 degrees outside right now WTF!!!

i'm sure it won't last, but it was still a nice surprise to wake up cold this morning.
dorian gray said:
yeah. ive thought of moving up there before. but, youre right, we make more here. i have a canadian RN friend who left ontario for that reason. canada's nice though.

yeah, it's great up here, just the money isn't always great. A lot of times you get underpaid for what you do, but you have to weigh the balance of living in Canadar vs making $$s. I'm happy as long as I can afford the things I need. Thats why i'd prefer to work up here.
took it from Agallochum, some kind of indian wood that (prepare for art-fagness) they said represented in fragrance and texture and blah blah what they thought of as the essence of the band or something.

jesus christ, some people just need to be knocked down a few notches back to reality!
i wouldn't take agalloch's artfagginess too seriously. i mean if especially likely sloth doesn't give it away that they are funny dudes, i don't know what would.

agalloch is the name of the wood by the way, i don't know what the fuck allagachium is or whatever you said. :loco:
as you can tell by my forum name, i suck at naming shit, so if i have a band it's either being named . (oh shit that's taken, fuckin japanese!) or someone else is gonna have to do it!
god damn nad said:
agalloch is the name of the wood by the way, i don't know what the fuck allagachium is or whatever you said. :loco:

thats what haughm said in the interview, probably latin name of the wood, you nut!
here's another concept i don't like..things being 'dead'. like people saying black metal's 'dead' or prog rock's 'dead'. what the hell does that mean? so the originators of these things are long gone or just plain suck now? they're still part of the history and formative years of what exists now (both black metal and the language). so fuck you, nad :P

edit: before someone trys to be a wise-ass, i have no problem with living things being dead, 'cause you know, shit happens