It's been awhile, but I'm still alive: computer crashed,SLAYER, new ANTHRAX, DIMEBAG


Alone Within My Lunacy
Sep 4, 2001
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Hello everyone! I've been away because the computer crashed.

First, sorry to here about "DIMEBAG". When I first heard about what happened on the SIRIUS radio network Metal Channel "Hard Attack" I thought 1.How did the guy get a gun into the show? and 2.Where was security? Apparently, the guy, Nathan Gale, snuck in the backdoor. My condolensces to all in the "Pantera/Damageplan" family.

Saw Slayer and Killswitch Engage in Cincinatti in November. Wanted to see Mastodon but was waiting in line while they were on stage.

The new Anthrax, The Greater Of Two Evils, Kicks Ass. John Bush singing classic Anthrax is great

Talked to ledmag about a month ago. He is still alive and kicking.
Zane! What's crackin, man? How's the kid?

The old/new Anthrax sounds pretty fucken cool...I haven't actually heard it, but I saw them live and almost their whole setlist consisted of songs appearing on that album, which kicked ass. So that oughta be cool.

What was Slayer's set like when you saw em? I hear they've been playing some good shit on this tour.
Hey Pyrus! Iann is 6 months old and doing great. Thanks for asking. As for Slayer, the set was a mix of old and new. I thought they would do all of Reign in Blood to promote the DVD but they didn't. I can't remember all they did and in what order but here's what I remember: angel of death, postmortem, raining blood (last song of night), war ensemble, mandatory suicide, south of heaven, dead skin mask, stain of mind, seasons in the abyss, hell awaits, chemical warfare, disciple, darkness of christ, (intro), god send death, new faith, bloodline. ( I know there were others.)