It's been too long since the last kitty picture thread.

can't write long-

Buddy isn't well. Please send your thoughts and prayers, if you would be so kind. Eric came last night to be with me. Buddy seemed to be ok. Then they told me he was blind, but it may only be temporary. We were there at 3 a.m. and he was eating and walking around! It seemed so promising.

Then we came back for some sleep. This morning he had backslid and was in very critical condition when we got there. We just came home for 20 minutes or so here. They have him in this warmth chamber thing and giving him fluids. The doctor had just checked his heart and it was ok, but she found that he had diarheaa really bad sitting all over in his gut, so she was confident that she could make a change and get the fluid moving in his body. His temperature and potassium levels are back up to normal and stabilized, his blood pressure is still a bit lower than she wants it but it isn't spiking. This is really really scary, and i"m holding up the best I can. Please send lots of energy to my little Buddy, he needs it right now.

He's still fighting. The doctor actually looked optimistic for the first time at about 7 pm. I'm scared to feel too good yet, he has a long road. They are balancing out his fluids and they have his body temp and blood pressure relatively stable. His digestive system I guess stopped working and nothing was getting through right, just really bad diarrhea. They ultrasounded his heart and it is strong. Now they were starting something to slowly begin peristalsis to get his intestines to start working. There was something about a catheter in his jugular vein if they couldn't stabilize his fluids properly ... then my phone will ring. I pray my phone will not ring. I will be going back at 7 or so tomorrow otherwise.

thank you again, my friends.
this is so fucking scary.
I'm gonna try to sleep for a while.
Thanks for your continued good thoughts,

If I may ask, if the animal is having this much trouble, are you helping it get better, or prolonging its suffering?
He didn't go there because he was sick!!! He was perfectly healthy when I brought him there for a test.

to those who give a shit, his bp was stable and they're ready to give him food. I'm on my way there now...
still improving, slow but steady. The hospital people all know him, he's like a little miracle, he's a fighter. He can see again, his bp, heartbeat, temp are stable. They've begun syringe feeding him and he liked the stuff and wanted more. They're gonna only give him a tick at a time so he doesn't throw up. This is looking up for us, it's not over yet, but all of your energies and light are coming in, I'm really believing it. There is a warmth radiating over him, and he's sitting up and alert. Thank you to all who've been helping me through this. You can contact me private if you want, I probably won't post much to this forum anymore on this. Thank you for everything,
If the vet screwed something up, perhaps you can negotiate a cut price in exchange for not taking them to court.
Gina, I just read about this, and I'm glad your little Buddy is doing better *hugsies*

I'll send out lots of good thoughts for you two :)
still improving, slow but steady. The hospital people all know him, he's like a little miracle, he's a fighter. He can see again, his bp, heartbeat, temp are stable. They've begun syringe feeding him and he liked the stuff and wanted more. They're gonna only give him a tick at a time so he doesn't throw up. This is looking up for us, it's not over yet, but all of your energies and light are coming in, I'm really believing it. There is a warmth radiating over him, and he's sitting up and alert. Thank you to all who've been helping me through this. You can contact me private if you want, I probably won't post much to this forum anymore on this. Thank you for everything,

Josie gives Buddy a big hug
No.... W, that kitty passed away recently :(

Gina, God, I totally missed out on this thread for some reason... I wish you and your beloved pet all the best :/ I'm so happy to hear he's a fighter and
getting better....
I manage a pet store, and I'd love to send you a "get well soon/ glad to have you back" cat goodie bag! (and when I say goodie bag... I mean really GOODIE bag ;) ) Stories like that make me happy.
Really, it's not a problem at all, PM me if you want :)

Oh and Lessa: your signature with the snail is SOOOOOO GREAT!!!!!! :lol:
*saves image*
Holy crap! The only dog on this gif looks just like Shrike !!!!!!

That's the first thing I thought when I saw it. Poor Shrike look a like is gonna be foodz. :cry:

and yep, Clancy has died. :cry: I bought a little marker fa few days ago for the spot where we buried her. It's been two weeks but it's still weird. I guess it will be that way for a while.