It's been two weeks and still can't figure it (clipping) out...

Jul 7, 2009
Ok, I posted this in Joey's latest (I think it was the latest) thread, because he records DI (to my knowledge) with Pod Farm and I was having a problem with mine. My guitar is set up right, and doesn't clip the Pod or anything else, but when recording DI through my Ultralite mk3, the input is clipping. I posted it over two weeks ago and still can't figure out what the problem is...

Anyways, here's the signal chain again:

**Ok, I have my guitar, with volume and pick up knobs all the way up. It doesn't clip the Pod, nor anything else. Anyways, I have a 1/4" unbalanced cable from it into the EDB1 direct box. There is an XLR lo-z from the direct box to the first analog input on my Ultralite mk3. There are NO effects, compressors, etc. set on my MOTU, so nothing is affecting the guitar signal except the preamps. The trim, which can be turned up to like +50db to compensate for low signals, is all the way down at 0db. I opened up CueMix FX and checked the inputs and everything, nothing is set wrong.

Anyways, I select and arm a track and set the input to that first analog input on my MOTU. I begin playing, with or without the Pod Farm AU or other VST effects on, and it goes into the red area and clips on thick palm-muted stuff. I have no idea what the problem is. These cables are brand new too, and the guitar's battery is fairly new and shows no signs of poor tone from the battery (which it would do if it were about to die).

NOW, just tried this though. Input on my MOTU is always selected to be on that first analog input, so I tried the second analog input, same thing. BUT if I select stereo (so it will use that 1st AND 2nd input at the same time), the input cuts down to about 2/3 (obviously because it is splitting the output level between the 1st input and 2nd input, but I don't have anything in the second input, so it's quieter), which is decent but it is still losing tone that way. And if I have it on stereo, it makes me think that first analog input isn't getting the full attention of the preamp or something since it (apparently, due to the lower signal now) turns down the preamps to allow for two signals to be sent to the output.**

Thanks again guys, sorry if I'm being a pest by making a thread for this... I just cannot resolve the issue...

I rememer I had a thought I had a clipping issue turns out it was the buffer size being too low for my computer to handle...put it up to 256 and away went the clipping. o_O
Hmm... well it's at 512, so it should be doing just fine... And there is only like 12ms latency when recording and that is going from guitar---directbox---MOTU---computer---Pod Farm---FX Chain, and I dunno if that is affected by buffer size but seems like it might be??
Yes... Messes with tone because your pickups are not as hot... And what happens if SOMEWHERE during tracking you nudge the volume knob? Screwed. You could turn the knob back to where it was, but it still wouldn't be at exactly the same volume.
Just turn it down (it won't suck your tone, seriously - you can add gain later if you must, but input clipping is in no way useful here) and remember where you set the volume knob.
