It's done...again


The Promoter
Sep 16, 2001
After having two bands pull out last week, I have replaced both of them. With the addition of these two bands, it means that the criteria I gave you previously was a lie.

Things change...

Glenn H. week before announcements and you're throwing us for more loops?? Geez! So what part has changed? The one night only thing? 1st time appearances? Oddball?

6 days....6 days.....6 days......I can make it I can make it I can make it I can make it...
Harvester said:
After having two bands pull out last week, I have replaced both of them. As far as my previous criteria that I gave everyone, I lied.

Glenn H.
Do we get to know what two bands pulled out? And how much of your criteria is still accurate? :)
Man you tease me so!!!!!!!!!

The suspense is killing me, I actually had a dream the other night of what bands were gonna be there.
Hamburglar Metal said:
While I am all for seeing new bands, I hope the criteria being changed is that Evergrey will play two years in a row. I doubt it, can only hope.
Could not agree more!!
Creeps said:
just think folks.. after he announces it we can all gripe about the fact that show itself will still be 6-7 months away


Is it just me or has everyone been really looking forward to PP5 since we got home form PP4?
I'm with you Creeps...feeling the same way...ever since the last show ended...can't wait to do it again (will be the 3rd time for my group)

Rock on!
what the heck, here's my fantasy guess for ProgPower

Pain of Salvation
Sieges Even
Into Eternity
Tad Morose
Sun Caged
Dead Soul Tribe