It's done!


Doctor BenQuillity
May 7, 2001
Visit site
So, it is now done - my DT-tattoo that is. :hotjump:

It's on the left side of my chest; the color is magenta with black lines. It is rather small, but looks great IMO. However, I was very tense and moved quite a lot while it was being made, so that it now looks a bit less great when I'm relaxed.

I'll try to get a picture of it, once it is fully healed, and post it here.

Originally posted by Fury
what is it? The logo? I mean, the stylish DT symbol?

Yep, rather similar to the one found on the back of The Gallery for example (thanks for Alfred for the picture).

so now what....will you go to the nearest mall and get rid of your tshirt to show your tatoo???.... Now that I come to think about it....I don't understand why ppl tatoo themselves....
tastes tastes
Awesome, I've thought about getting the Opeth 'O' like many have already. The only tats I have now are a tribal design down my left leg and Morpheus (sandman) down my right. I 'd like to see the pic after it scabs over.
Originally posted by ruinandmisery
Good deal Villian!

Let me know when you get those discs.

I will! :devil:

To everyone interested: The tattoo is healed now and I'll try to get a photo of it quickly. Thanks for the support. :wave:

that's it morgana, tastes tastes :p

I think I would always feel some regret for staining my skin for ever....
I have enough with the freckles on my back, and well if you trace a line with a pen from freckle to freckle you'd get DT logo :loco:

fathervic (not tattoed, but liking tattoes)