It's Election Day Eve!

Nay, Kenyans aren't Arabs.

Instead of believing that one man's gonna solve all their problems, they act like one man is going to destroy everything and bring the apocalypse, while forcing the Koran into everyone's lives.
I'm not saying McCain supporters are any worse, just that they aren't any better.

His heritage pre-kenya is questionable at best considering his father... but, since I'm not an anthropologist of any sort, it's not a subject I'm an expert on.

My problem with the difference between the beliefs of the extremists in the parties is this: I want people to go back to the Democratic party in 4 or 8 years, but not Obama.

While Obama is raising peoples expectations in his own group, the other group is going in with no expectations. They have nothing really to lose/gain in this. Sure, they'll be whiny for a few weeks, but I suppose it's time those of us who weren't supporting bush in 2004 get a little bit of that whining back. Because god damn did we whine. We whined, cried, and fucking came up with a conspiracy theory for every state. It was fucking SAD. However, if/when Obama doesn't deliver what the democrat voters are expecting, trust issues may come up, so when someone worth a damn actually does run for the party in 2012 or 2016, they may not be able to compile the support due to the shattered expectations of the party. The republican party will remain the same throughout.
He's got his idiots... but none of these people are out there thinking that he's going to make every problem in the world disappear. Mostly because he hasn't been hyped as a god among men.

Are you on crack, they think the same thing, only they also believe the world is 6,000 years old. Shutty! :Smug: He might not have been hyped as a god among men, but people believe he is doing God's work. IRAQ WAR S GOD'S WILL DONTCHA KNOW!
Are you on crack, they think the same thing, only they also believe the world is 6,000 years old. Shutty! :Smug: He might not have been hyped as a god among men, but people believe he is doing God's work. IRAQ WAR S GOD'S WILL DONTCHA KNOW!

Yeah. I'm totally on crack. Because 1 person is representative of the entire republican party.

Would you do everyone a favor? After reading your other thread it has become apparent that you know nothing about this whole system... just shut the fuck up. Just because the conversation of american politics is here, you don't have to participate if all you know is what you learned from a few posts on /b/.

At least there are a few non-americans who actually know what the fuck they're talking about in this subject on this board.
What the fuck is /b/? Also I (sadly) know more about your system and the candidates than most of the people hitting the polls tomorrow. Sarah Palin brought out all the abortion doctor sniping crazies and you're making a big deal about some retards in the Obama camp. Like someone said, BOTH SIDES HAVE IDIOTS! Obama has the negroes who think he will solves their problems and McCain has you :blush:

This thread really needed one of these.
Can't they come up with better statistics? Like every time a democrat takes a poop 2 hours before the final vote is tallied, it means they're going to win by only 2 votes?