It's Evil I Tells Ya...


Oct 9, 2006
Well I have not seen one of these threads yet so....

This is the official "IT'S EVIL I TELLS YA!" thread, basically if there is anything you hate/want to destroy/wish never existed. Or if something is just pissing you off. Post about it here. (this kinda thing has been succesful on other forums, so I'm just spreading it about)
People who post pictures of COB ripping off the Rush logo, only making the pentacle a pentagram so they don't get sued and then dumbasses commenting, "A burning man? I don't get it."

Die in a fire.
ok im actually pissed off at something real...
i've sent out my EMA (education mantainence allowence) forms for like 4 times now, and the mother fuckers keep sending them back saying that i did something wrong in the forms...but the thing is that my brother filled in the form with the same info as me (except the name of cource) and they accepted his...
fuckin pissed of i i gotta go and phone em up or something to fix that
fuckin morons with their stupid system