It's Evolution


Chemical Pariah
Aug 30, 2001
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I would suggest that some of you, really all of you read this. Don't be a lazy bitch and pass up the chance. Timothy Leary.

The Declaration of Evolution
by Timothy Leary
When in the course of organic evolution it becomes obvious that a mutational process is inevitably dissolving the physical and neurological bonds which connect the members of one generation to the past and inevitably directing them to assume among the species of Earth the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and Nature's God entitle them, a decent concern for the harmony of species requires that the causes of the mutation should be declared.

We hold these truths to be self evident:

That all species are created different but equal;
That they are endowed, each one, with certain inalienable rights;
That among them are Freedom to Live, Freedom to Grow, and Freedom to pursue Happiness in their own style;
That to protect these God-given rights, social structures naturally emerge, basing their authority on the principles of love of God and respect for all forms of life;
That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of life, liberty, and harmony, it is the organic duty of the young members of that species to mutate, to drop out, to initiate a new social structure, laying its foundations on such principles and organizing its power in such form as seems likely to produce the safety, happiness, and harmony of all sentient beings.

Genetic wisdom, indeed, suggests that social structures long established should not be discarded for frivolous reasons and transient causes. The ecstasy of mutation is equally balanced by the pain. Accordingly all experience shows that members of a species are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, rather than to discard the forms to which they are accustomed.

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, all pursuing invariably the same destructive goals, threaten the very fabric of organic life and the serene harmony of the planet, it is the right, it is the organic duty to drop out of such morbid covenants and to evolve new loving social structures.

Such has been the patient sufferance of the freedom-loving peoples of this earth, and such is now the necessity which constrains us to form new systems of government.

The history of the white, menopausal, mendacious men now ruling the planet earth is a history of repeated violation of the harmonious laws of nature, all having the direct object of establishing a tyranny of the materialistic aging over the gentle, the peace-loving, the young, the colored. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to the judgement of generations to come.

These old, white rulers have maintained a continuous war against other species of life, enslaving and destroying at whim fowl, fish, animals and spreading a lethal carpet of concrete and metal over the soft body of earth.

They have maintained as well a continual state of war among themselves and against the colored races, the freedom-loving, the gentle, the young. Genocide is their habit.

They have instituted artificial scarcities, denying peaceful folk the natural inheritance of earth's abundance and God's endowment.

They have glorified material values and degraded the spiritual.

They have claimed private, personal ownership of God's land, driving by force of arms the gentle from passage on the earth.

In their greed they have erected artificial immigration and customs barriers, preventing the free movement of people.

In their lust for control they have set up systems of compulsory education to coerce the minds of the children and to destroy the wisdom and innocence of the playful young.

In their lust for power they have controlled all means of communication to prevent the free flow of ideas and to block loving exchanges among the gentle.

In their fear they have instituted great armies of secret police to spy upon the privacy of the pacific.

In their anger they have coerced the peaceful young against their will to join their armies and to wage murderous wars against the young and gentle of other countries.

In their greed they have made the manufacture and selling of weapons the basis of their economies.

For profit they have polluted the air, the rivers, the seas.

In their impotence they have glorified murder, violence, and unnatural sex in their mass media.

In their aging greed they have set up an economic system which favors age over youth.

They have in every way attempted to impose a robot uniformity and to crush variety, individuality, and independence of thought.

In their greed, they have instituted political systems which perpetuate rule by the aging and force youth to choose between plastic conformity or despairing alienation.

They have invaded privacy by illegal search, unwarranted arrest, and contemptuous harassment.

They have enlisted an army of informers.

In their greed they sponsor the consumption of deadly tars and sugars and employ cruel and unusual punishment of the possession of life-giving alkaloids and acids.

They never admit a mistake. They unceasingly trumpet the virtue of greed and war. In their advertising and in their manipulation of information they make a fetish out of blatant falsity and pious self-enhancement. Their obvious errors only stimulate them to greater error and noisier self-approval.

They are bores.
They hate beauty.
They hate sex.
They hate life.
We have warned them from time to time to their inequities and blindness. We have addressed every available appeal to their withered sense of righteousness. We have tried to make them laugh. We have prophesied in detail the terror they are perpetuating. But they have been deaf to the weeping of the poor, the anguish of the colored, the rocking mockery of the young, the warnings of their poets. Worshipping only force and money, they listen only to force and money. But we shall no longer talk in these grim tongues.
We must therefore acquiesce to genetic necessity, detach ourselves from their uncaring madness and hold them henceforth as we hold the rest of God's creatures - in harmony, life brothers, in their excess, menaces to life.

We, therefore, God-loving, peace-loving, life-loving, fun-loving men and women, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the Universe for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the name and by the Authority of all sentient beings who seek gently to evolve on this planet, solemnly publish and declare that we are free and independent, and that we are absolved from all Allegiance to the United States Government and all governments controlled by the menopausal, and that grouping ourselves into tribes of like-minded fellows, we claim full power to live and move on the land, obtain sustenance with our own hands and minds in the style which seems sacred and holy to us, and to do all Acts and Things which independent Freemen and Freewomen may of right do without infringing on the same rights of other species and groups to do their own thing.

And for the support of this Declaration of Evolution with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, and serenely confident of the approval of generations to come, in whose name we speak, do we now mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor.

by Dr. Timothy Leary, Ph.D.

...As much as i disagree with most of what Timothy Leary had to say, he hit the nail right on the head with this.

Basically, the problem stems not from what people think, or what they beleive in... But the problem stems from the intolerance of mankind towards other ideals aside from his own.
Thanx man,that was great.It's funny,a few hours ago I was looking for you on DALnet to ask you to suggest me a couple of his books.I don't see you in #dreaming_neon_black lately,have you given up IRC?
I read this and think:

All of us in this world are hypocrits - we complain of all the "bad" that surrounds us, yet we live amoungst those whom we complain about. Unless every country shuts its borders down, and we become an isolistic world, we will always be dealing with globality first. There is no country that can "change the world" alone, nor do I think any outcome of our future will stop what we see now (unless, of course, we somehow really do destroy the entire world, and all that live in it).

I am but one person - if I was willing to die to get my "word" out, I'd be dead, and my word would be in a gutter somewhere. Unity is the only way out of the downward spiral mankind has created for itself. Call me a pessimist, but I still envision the destruction of the human race happening, not unification of the world (this could happen tomorrow, or in a million years).
Dragonlord- There is another LSDphilosophy??? That is crazy.. he has a cool name though hahahahaha. anyway about Leary's books, "The Politics of Ecstacy" is good. really any of his books are interesting to read, "High Priest" goes through different peoples trips, it is quite interesting.
thanx,I'll check out PoE if I can find it at the library here.
I just remembered one of his quotes (I read it in one of Buscaglia's books) "Words are the refrigeration of reality",this and PoE from NM drew my attention to that I'm finishing with the exams here I'll try to find the time to read it.
That was cool, thanks man.

Have you guys(dragonheap and LSDman) ever read any Hunter S. Thompson?

If you guys like that,,LSDman and some others have posted some similar things on th eother board. I suggest all go there and check it out
The above essay definitely has its points, and I don't think it is merely blaming all the world's problems on the ruling class as Zod suggested, it is more philosophical...I also hate it when people think they have won an argument by merely saying "it's the government's fault".
I think this writing is decent but it's obviously not neccesarily a strictly Leary point of view. This is really a common sense analysis of the dominator culture, and certainly a significant enough subject to write about at the time of it's publishing, considering Leary's status at the time among a young crowd yearning for external peace. Though this is something I think any thinking individual could figure out on their own. We need figures like Leary though. We just need them. But of course we now are currently living in a culture in which 'revolution' is merely a little marketting plot premeditated in the office of some corporation only to be given a fansy package and sold to the general public. There really is no such thing as revolution anymore because of the exreme power of a corporate controlled media over public opinion... and obviously it's easier to target consumers to exploit if they each simply follow the herd.

We're going down...
Originally posted by General Zod
So, to sum up up: white man bad, all other people good. How original.

Well I see your point! I guess that the world domination is more than a matter of skin color. After all most Jews have dark skin, I think. (Don't deceive yourselves! Jews dominate the modern world).
Originally posted by LSDphilosophy
maybe some are going down but I refuse to myself

"we shall come to set the dolphins free
we shall wash the bloodred sea
our songs will echo over the mountains and the seas
the eternity will begin once again in peace"
So, you 'll play the optimist again, won't you? OK, takes guts to be one. But remember not to set your mind to one side (I know; you have already proven that you don't). And remember that world peace is what the US gov't promises to bring by this war. PAX ROMANA comes to my mind (it is the peace that the Roman troops enforced by arms in the days of Roman Empire).
Originally posted by Demonspell
I also hate it when people think they have won an argument by merely saying "it's the government's fault".
You might hate what is true. But if you expand your thinking you might come to realized that it is actually our own fault, we just need some scapegoat. And I agree with you that the white element could be anything else.
Hey lsd.... the words of timothy are great.... and there is hiden reality i think.... Yes the world is gone astray and i think its on the way to the end. No one cares. Everybody pretending for what ?
Maybe for money.... We have a life to live... Only a life... Don't let no one to steal it. Anyway.... no matter what i say the things will remain the same....
have peace :)
Even though I haven't read a word more of Timothy, what LSD posted, in my eyes was translated as very ingeniusly hidden messages of uncertain realities within the today's society, unrevealing a proposal for Anarchy the way it really should be, not the crap that the media feeds the "out of own judgement" masses; and there is a lot of them; and they believe that anarchy means to some stupid masses of disoriented really bad kids who cause a lot of troubles, damage cars, destroy properties etc. Indeed, as Warrell suggested Leary is can be very easily misunderstood.
Actually the real interpretetion of this "Decleration of Evolution" is "Decleration of REvolution", concerning my perception.
Revolution which means
regeneration of the way of life, recovery of ideals which lead to spiritual ascendence and are by time lost, revaluation of the world status and hard judgement on the mistakes that lead nowadays to a "new dark age"
All the above are causes for revolution and the real drawbacks for revolution.
Without war there can be no peace some say. Replacing the terms "War" and "Peace" with "Revolution" and "Evolution", you get what my poor mind figured out from this dead man's words.

To really tell you the truth though I think I lack the sighto be able to interpret a man who fought in his own way against the evil order of things; and died many times upon the battlefield of corruption.

Thus this is not judgement. This is only a very rough estimation of what these words mean to me.

All the above just came to mind.