Evolution vs. Creation: The Cosmological Argument

Wolftribe said:
For me, pacifism is just believing in non-violence, which i do... arguments and debates seem perfectly fine to me, actually they seem like a logical alternative.
A really GOOD alternative, actually. The world would be a better place if people used their minds instead of their fists/guns/bombs.... Then again, I'm not sure we'd want the world leaders arguing/debating, anyway...
Especially not Bush. I think he'd be using the same tactics as Fezz here.

"I think he's just jealous 'cause he only has one deity."

Hell yeah...Judeo-Christian creation myths suck. Now NORSE creation myths...Odin made the world out of the body of a dead giant, man. You see those fluffy things in the sky? The big white ones? Those are GIANT BRAINS. It doesn't get any cooler than that.
*standing ovation for Tyros* Good show, good show.

"arguments and debates seem perfectly fine to me, actually they seem like a logical alternative."

I agree completely. I love to argue, in fact, I live for it. :grin:
I don't see the point in excessivley long arguments. I'm usually right, and I cant convince the arse I'm arguing with. When I'm wrong its usually through lack of information, so I'm wrong right away or not at all.

What about those brits being held without being charged or access to a lawyer eh? Land of the free?
Ihreil Junkenstein said:
What about those brits being held without being charged or access to a lawyer eh? Land of the free?
No, the "land of the free" part was written around the time people valued freedom and didn't "elect" (Bush never won the popular vote...) nimrods who tried (and, sadly, succeeded) in limiting constitutional freedoms under the guise of "national security." As one of the people who voted for the other, other guy, I find Bush's politics to be nothing short of abyssmal. I feel very fortunate the 2004 is around the corner.

Actually, what's interesting is that, as I was pondering the relevance of this political slant to this thread, the Bush/Fezzilla connection became clear. Ah, well. I'm sure we'd get equally enlightened discourse from either....
NoLordy Capone said:
Yeah, the Norse gods would be my gods if I needed any. I want that fucking hammer, though.
Oh, yeah. Thor's not going to give that up easily, though. :) Norse/Teutonic deities are why I giggle when I get told to burn in hell. Hel, is a little chilly for that. :P
They both make as much sense as these

Read the stories, he also nearly causes every one of the gods to die, get fucked by a horse and has a child that Odin uses as transportation, and kills their favorite village idiot, and THEN hides as an old woman when asked if he felt sorrow fopr the idiot's death. (If everyone in the world besdies Loki did, he'd be brought back to life, but because he disguised himself, the guy was stuck in Hel forever.)

THAT'S why Odin chained his ass up.
Yeah, I've read all the stories...he's still the coolest of them all, because he outsmarted all the others time and again. And he killed pretty-boy Balder. I hate that fuck.

I just tend to sympathize with the outcasts; he did some bad shit, but the other gods never seemed to recognize his real contributions. They preferred to focus on what went wrong, and that's what sent him over the edge.

Besides, he BURNS shit. That's just cool.