Evolution vs. Creation: The Cosmological Argument


May 6, 2003
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I understand this subject is a little risky on this site.
I know nevermore writes about the cosmos in the way they see it.
Warrel believes in "nothing."
I've met the guys from Nevermore twice and they are simply the nicest group i've ever met period. This is not an attack on The guys of Nevermore,but a disagreement;
A disagreement about the concept of Evolution.
A big bang happened and their we are.
But first,lets get to the beginning;
After all, thats where it starts.
It begins at random chance;
or does it?

Can anyone here explain the so-called fact of evolution-comsology?
Will not discuss this with you but will point something out to you. It is not the "fact" of evolution, but the theory of evolution. Not been proven or disproven as of yet.
Don't humor anyone whom comes with direct intent of attacking the system of explanation you use.
Oh, I figured you wouldn't, but I was pointing that out to those who want to start a years-long discussion that'll cause even MORE people to leave the board. :)
Thats the thing about this fourm i cannot tolerate. None of you can give a straight and decent answer or hold a debate without silly insults.
Can you give any light at all in this cosmoligical debate?
I know evolutionist like to didge the real hard questions,but your not even going to try.
Evolutionist cannot make one academical statement about the footprints of both man and dinosaur walking together.
Can you explain those fossil of the dinos prints next to man?

Can you come back at my cosmopoetry?

Everything was something before there was nothing.
Everything is something even is its nothing at all.
For nothingness came from something.
And that something has always been there.
Without an Infinite Designer, nothing, could not have
ever been.
For even nothing....is something.
@dead skin mask
Can you provide a fixed axiom that proves evolution?
I believe in God by faith. But my faith is based on facts.Evolution is blind faith.
You have never seen God and you never will because God will not show himself to you. You call those who believe in God Crazy????
Id like to challenge that today.
An atheist is a person who says there is no God. They say they can prove it with evolution.In other words, they say they can prove God don't exist academicly.
What do you have to say about that?
Make it good because i don't have much time for long debates like i used to.
I feel no need to explain the idea, but I'll prod yours if you want. YOU go read about it, just like everyone else did.
Look, all theories are flawed. They work to a certain point, but at their core, they can easily be argued to be false. For example, where did god come from? Did another god or something even more powerful create him? If so, what created it? Did god just spontaniously appear out of nothing? Well, isn't it more logical to say that the universe appeared out of nothing, because obviously if god can create a universe, then he is more complex than a universe. Or has god just always existed? Well, that just sounds stupid, does it not? Evolution works the same way. When you go back to the beginning of the universe or god, it just doesn't make sense. My advice to everyone is to find your own religion. Believe in yourself. And I want to say more, but I don't have time.
I'll always have the doubt, I guess the only answer is the one you believe in.
I can't believe in God because I don´t have faith. And there's something I've tought lots of times, but looks like a question without answer: If God created the world, who created God?, himself?
dead6skin6mask6 said:
whoever said athiest can prove evolution... FIRST... you prove creation and god

An agnostic is someone who does not believe in God but says there might be,but then,they've never been convinced.
An atheist is a man who says he can academicly prove that God isn't there.

The only whay to prove God's existance is by surrendering yourlife to God. Then,and only then,will you know God.Spiritual gifts are another way. But either way you look at it you have to be a Christian to understand why we so strongly believe.

Lets look at the cosmos again.
Everything was nothing before there was something.
Everthing is something even if its nothing at all.
For nothingness came from something;
And that something has always been there.
Without an Infinite designer,nothing,could not have ever been.
For even nothing....is something.

Where does nothing come from?
What does nothing look like?
What does nothing feel in its emotions?
Is nothing a viod form of blackness?
blackness is a mixture of colors.
White,is the complete spectrum of like.
So nothingness does not take up any type a mass or color.
Is nothing smart enough to create?
Can matter create mind?
Where did the matter come from?
Where did the DNA,gas,ect.,ect.,ect..come from?
Is a stupid nothing smart enough to become something??

Every design implies a designer;
Every designer implies a cause.
And that cause was man!
God created the universe with man in mind.
God is that something thats been there from the infinite start of timeless time.
God is the beginning that started all beginning cycles of life.

Nothing simply cannot produce something.
It would have taken a mind to create matter not an accident!
No stupid mindless nothing will all the sudden out of knowhere became a living something. There was a mind behind our existance.
This is logical proof of Gods existance.
It takes one mind to study and think.
Don't allow yourselves to be lied to by the evolution community.
Evolution is not science.
Science is self-correcting-evolution is not.
Errors have been pointed out to evolutionist time and time again.
They do not correct them.
Evolutionist only use one form of reasoning when testing new finds.
This is called circular reasoning. what evolution calls science.I call it bias!
Evolution then,is the science of one religion vs. the science of another religion.
I have several quotes from evolutionist admiting to bias circular reasoning.
They themselves have called evolution a religion.
I will admit,it good science fiction :D
An atheist does not say he can disprove a god, he says he doesn't have one. A-theist means without a god, so Agnostics are atheists too. So there.

A friend of mine aked me to add this: "Science is constantly proven wrong, but religion has never been proven right."
NoLordy Capone said:
An atheist does not say he can disprove a god, he says he doesn't have one. A-theist means without a god, so Agnostics are atheists too. So there.

If atheist and agnostic mean the same thing.
Why are they two different words?
They are!
atheist says there is no God/god.
An atheist says he is god.
An agnostic doesn't know because he hasen't been given enough proof.

Take care!
Ill be back in a few days :wave:
It doesn't work that way, "a" means without, or no. If you don't have a religion, you are an ATHEIST.

Humanists are what you're referring to for saying "YOU" are god, sir.
(He has to be the most cardboard-cutout Christian I've ever seen. His arguments are so old he probably inherited them from his parents.)
well as far as the church is concerned, they don't 100% bash and disregard evolution. they(actually i believe it was one of the pope Pius' and much later pope john paul the II) that the creaion story in the bible is not purely fact, it is not to be taken litrerally. however, they also said that God did have his hand somewhere in the evolutionary process. christianity used to believe that god made all and god gave all a single form, but that was completely opposed by darwin. from that debate which started hundreds of years ago came creationism vs. evolutionism. i personally believe in evolutionism over creationism as i lost my religious faith a while ago. why choose evolutionism. because it sems right. it is part of science, and for the most part, proven science is an exact science. there lies the problem, the "proven" science thing, as evolution is not proven. but in my opinion, the evidence so far FOR evolution is enough to have me convinced. it just works out too well, though there are its small flaws. whats crazy though is that about 47% of north americans DON'T believe in the evolution theory. that to me is simply mind-blowing. though, to each his own of course. many don't bother themselves with it i'm sure, but many probably blindly follow creationism for it is what religion and/or GOD teaches them.
the evolutionist theory IMO, as i said before, is just too close to perfect and just works out too well and makes too much sense to let the hick-ups in the theory shut it down.
the creationist theory imo is rediculous. its so artificial. one priest though used the metaphor/comparison that the if he were to take all the pieces of the watch on his wrist and throw them up into the air, it would not fall down together into the perfect ticking clock that it is. he says there must ahve been some other force to bring such a complex thing together, his claim was for the hand of god to have put together humans. though to put it back into the human or biological way(as is what is actually being discussed), things can change over millions upon millions of years and from that change developments of complex biological creatures can be formed. this said, these original biological bits got started from this random big bang thing(which i cannot explain, that's not my interest) and placed organisms all over our floating chunk of rock called Earth. over time, these bits evolved, and they evolved according to the environment around them. and as environment still changes today, it is my belief that we will one day change and EVOLVE into something more than we are now.
you know, i find it really hard to believe evolution as there are just too many species PERFECTLY adapted to their environment.

well, i'm done now
flame if you will