Anyone have any idea what's going on with the australian version? =\

Alot of the popular stores don't even know the album exists as they havn't got any ordering details or dates or anything, not even a title. Those that do were expecting it on the 23rd, over a week ago, and still there is no sign of it :mad: :(.
^ Huh what streaming interview? Hehehe just kidding but I didn't read it so I didn't know :p . Till now mua ha ha ha ha :heh: :lol: .

I've been hearing Fiction pretty much non-stop this two days, and I just cannot stop being marveled by it :) . It's simply incredible how they can manage to innovate and do something different after all this years :worship: .
IMO this album is as relevants to DT's carreer as it was "The Gallery," "Projector" and "Haven." I believ it's a combination of every phase DT has gone through, while still making somethihn new and original :rock: :kickass: TOTAL PWN :worship:

I'm now officially a reviewer for a CRn metal page ( ), so I'll review this and I'l, without doubt, give it a great score (posibly 100/100 :p ).

PD: My Mac does not read the ltd. cd at all, so I in the Uni I tried it on one of the PCs. It worked just fine except for the following:

- The videos had to be accesed directly through the cd, not through the program.

- The images and stuff are definetly not accesible!!!

WTF? I want my pics!!!! Screw the ones who did the program, they suck big time :Puke: .
Hey, don't give it a perfect 100 or it won't be credible. You know how sometimes when you are reviewing, you have to struggle so hard to find real highlights on some Albums, because they are so bad? Well, this time try just as hard to find weaknesses, you must look at it through the glass of objectivity, or your own fanboyitty will render itself as your own worst, sworn enemy, in your reviewing career.

But then again, the most enjoyable reviews are often those made by fans of the reveiw target band.

Oh bittersweet irony!, To deny the very essence of your soul, eternal, or alas!, To embrace at once the blinding fabric that extends upon your senses, tight as a second skin, hard as hyde of ancient dragons, protecting from scorn, but blurring, obscuring, and tainting!...

Uhh... sorry guys.
Anyone have any idea what's going on with the australian version? =\

Alot of the popular stores don't even know the album exists as they havn't got any ordering details or dates or anything, not even a title. Those that do were expecting it on the 23rd, over a week ago, and still there is no sign of it :mad: :(.

I feel your pain. This fucking sucks. :waah:
Fiction hasn't clicked with me yet. I mean, it's got interesting and cool things here and there, and overall it's a very fair record, but that's the problem for me: it's just fair. It hasn't got anything outstanding or memorable enough for me to play it often but as background music.

So far, my fave albums of 2007 go to Sleepytime Gorilla Museum and The Tiger Lillies, with Candlemass a bit behind them. Hell, I even liked the new Lake of Tears more than Fiction. I'm really disappointed. :(
I've listened to it three times and it's a good album. I just regret that the same drums pattern is used almost all the time "snare-bass drum-snare-bass drum".
I just got the special edition imported from Europe with my free patch, a 20-page booklet, and a "video enhancement." WWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

The album art is really amazing. Has someone already scanned and posted the art somewhere in the forums for both the regular and special editions?
Patch is cool. I've never liked the "patch-thing" but this time I'll make exception.

I bought the special edition couple weeks ago. When I listened it first time, I had a big deja vu. The feeling that I had when I listened Haven first time, popped into my mind strongly. Like "Wow, this will be a masterpiece, can't place all the elements in the right order yet but I'm sure that soon my head will explode".

And so it was.

I'm not saying that Fiction is similar album to Haven. They have something in common, but it didn't create that feeling. It was the fact that I immediately knew that I will like that album. Like I knew when I heard Haven. At couple first listens some elements didn't really found their places, but with time it seems that everything that they've put on album, has a meaning. Nothing like "let's add something there and there, maybe it's sounds cool". Now I've started to dive into lyrics and again I'm a step further with this romance. This might be their best...
@anita_job: are you perchance interested in participating in the NoY competition? :p
Yes, Niklas is a good man :) :p .

I knew I was not the only one that thnks that this might be one of the best 9of not the best) DT album ever! :kickass:
Fiction is way better than previous efforts, not saying previous ones were bad. I really enjoy the drumming in here, sounds powerful and monotonous which I love. Sometimes I get tired of the difficult -Cryptopsy Style- drumming and just prefer some old stuff. Good riffing, I especially in Blind at Heard, it might be a great song to play live.
The Mundane and the Magic is another great track, it´s good to have some clean and some female vocals again, in general a very nice album, definitely one of the best DT albums up to date.
a question for those who have bought the regular (non limited) jewel case edition: does the front cover have "fiction - dark tranquillity" printed on it? my version has no writing, except for the big "dt" logo.
a question for those who have bought the regular (non limited) jewel case edition: does the front cover have "fiction - dark tranquillity" printed on it? my version has no writing, except for the big "dt" logo.

Nope, 'tis just the DT :) .