Vizjaqtaar, Saturn was one of the stores I checked out and of the three Saturns that I looked at, none of them had a DT-Album. Same with Libro, BoF, Cosmos.
However, received it today from Amazon. I am still far away from grasping the album entirely but I do have the impression that I will like it more than Character. However, this is the 8th Album and although the band hates this statement, The Gallery was a landmark album for a genre *and* the band, and nothing ever surpassed this. No band ever delivered the same high quality over and over again - this is impossible. Not even Mozart or Vivaldi were able to deliver the same excellent quality over and over again. But DT keep coming up with someting good to very good. However, they tend to be in a songwriting niche now, and this clichés-thing you mentioned also was my observation. Keybords, leads, trashy riffing (always put together in an appealing way)- that's their sound since Haven. So I am not sure why I rank everything else after Haven a bit lower than Haven, maybe not because these albums are weaker by objective measures (if such exist), but maybe because the sound gets a bit repetitive now.