yeah, I didn't download it either. I just went into my town four times expecting my local metal provider to have it, and in the end went to HMV and found the european edition that I was the metal provider was "Waiting for" there.

Can't stop listening. the lyrics are amazing, keyboards are amazing... imagining hearing some of the songs live just kills me.

Anyway, usual annoyance, I can't get to the bonus material on the disk. When I put it in my computer it can only find the data for the audio tracks and not the video. if I open it in real player theres an extra track for data but it's completely dormant. I wish fucking century twat'oles would stop making it so difficult to view extra features.
After days of nonstop listening my favorite track has changed from Misery's Crown, to Inside the Particle Storm, to Blind at Heart, to Icipher (<3 solo), and now I'm at The Lesser Faith.. I didn't notice a trend like this with any other DT cd other than Gallery ..And as shocked as I am to say it, Fiction might just do it better.
So, folks, after listening to the album a bit more (two total spins and some selected songs more often) I now have a clearer picture:
My first impression I had was enforced - it reminds me of Haven - for the "fluidity" in the songwriting. Haven is so incredible consistent, so well written, the songs flow, nothing seems to be forced.
The thing with Character was that while a strong Album it did sound a bit forced and heterogenic sometimes (maybe I just never gotten entirely into it).
Fiction sounds like a perfect mixture of Character, Damage Done and Haven - the depth, consistency and heart of Haven, the trashy riffs from DD and Character and the great melodies from Martin H. "Inside the particle storm" is a great song and one can tell that this is a Sundin-effort.

Oh yes, have'nt received my original copy yet. So everything said here might be just a wrong impression, chances are that I am listening to a "fictional" DT-Album that was not composed by the Band. But I swear the singer sounds like Stanne...:kickass:
I went downtown to the store i buy my music from, and they said it just came in today. I got the limited edition. So far i like everything except that annoying 'screen' that pops up everytime i put the cd in the pc and that takes ages to shut down. I think i can access the videos fine, but i have the same problem with the extras that was mentioned before. Anyone who finds the solution to this, please share.

As for the music itself, i haven't really gotten down to listening to it yet. I listened to a couple of songs i've been dying to listen to, and a few parts of random songs. It's the first time i don't sit down to listen to the whole thing at once, but i prefer it like this. It keeps the thrill going.
Inside a particle storm is so different from the usual DT. Upon the first listen i kept having chills running down my spine. It's the first time this happens with a song. And i absolutely love the lyrics. <3
The Mundane and the Magic is also brilliant. It reminds me of Projector era DT, the melody is beautiful, exactly what i'd label as "my favourite DT". The only thing that put me off a bit was the clean vocals, i guess i need to listen more closely and to let them grow on me. I had the feeling they could be better, i suppose my expectations were too high. I'm sure a few listens will fix this.
I went downtown to the store i buy my music from, and they said it just came in today. I got the limited edition. So far i like everything except that annoying 'screen' that pops up everytime i put the cd in the pc and that takes ages to shut down.

Press Esc to get rid of it fast. :)
I got my for-real copy today, finally. I couldn't find the Limited Edition version (but did snag an EP - see that thread), so I settled for the regular edition with hopes of finding the Ltd online. I just would like to say - the artwork is absolutely beautiful. Probably the best looking booklet/CD/package I've seen since Tool's 10,000 Days (and that package was gimmicky yet cool, but expensive as hell). It really puts a visually artistic touch in line with an amazing CD. Being able to spend some time with this album, it is now my second favorite DT record (I favor only Haven more...I just love that CD to pieces, its in my top three albums of all time). There really is no letdown with this band...
LP pictures

:OMG: Thanks for posting the LP picture! A beautiful package. I must own this. Must. Own. This.

Lately I've been getting into vinyl, just for the occasional gorgeous package. (Today I got a copy of Katatonia's Great Cold Distance on red vinyl, and the Haven picture disc is in the mail.)
Ok, I want to share my Fiction-Experience:
I waited patiently for the official release date to get it legally via a store in Vienna. Since the official date (20.04.07) I 've been to most shops that offer at least a decent selection of heavy stuff. Guess what? No Fiction-Album and no other Dark Tranquillity Album either (own them all anyway, but that was strange).
Man, was I pissed off - this is Vienna, not the middle of nowhere!
I've been to Saturn in Graz yesterday, randomly looking for interesting cds and lo!, Fiction. Though I must say I'm a wee bit disappointed. As a whole it's not as boring as Focus shift and has some really cool moments, but still, it sounds soo full of clichés and seems so predictable.. :erk:

Or - I hope - more than 10 spins are needed, as was the case with Character.
My limited edition arrived today, I'm very impressed. Blind at Heart and Icipher seem to be the tracks that really stands out from my first spin, but I'm sure I'll develop new faves as they grow on me.

Anyway, usual annoyance, I can't get to the bonus material on the disk.
I can't get to the wallpapers. Purportedly they're in the extras folder on the disk, but I'll be damned if I can find them.
Vizjaqtaar, Saturn was one of the stores I checked out and of the three Saturns that I looked at, none of them had a DT-Album. Same with Libro, BoF, Cosmos.
However, received it today from Amazon. I am still far away from grasping the album entirely but I do have the impression that I will like it more than Character. However, this is the 8th Album and although the band hates this statement, The Gallery was a landmark album for a genre *and* the band, and nothing ever surpassed this. No band ever delivered the same high quality over and over again - this is impossible. Not even Mozart or Vivaldi were able to deliver the same excellent quality over and over again. But DT keep coming up with someting good to very good. However, they tend to be in a songwriting niche now, and this clichés-thing you mentioned also was my observation. Keybords, leads, trashy riffing (always put together in an appealing way)- that's their sound since Haven. So I am not sure why I rank everything else after Haven a bit lower than Haven, maybe not because these albums are weaker by objective measures (if such exist), but maybe because the sound gets a bit repetitive now.
Is there any place to buy downloads of the Australia (Winter Triangle) and Japan (Closer End) bonus tracks? I don't have enough money at the moment to buy both imports, but I would like to hear the songs. Thanks.
Is there any place to buy downloads of the Australia (Winter Triangle) and Japan (Closer End) bonus tracks? I don't have enough money at the moment to buy both imports, but I would like to hear the songs. Thanks.

Seconding this, looking for any kind of legitimate online music vendor that isn't too DRM infested at decent bit rates.
hey the ecard is great, the fact or fiction game is awesome(and easy) and funny

Haha yeah I had lost of fun :p :lol: . I specially liked the one that said "Did Martin B. joined after Damage Done?" or "Mikael has never played guitar for the band right"?

:lol: :p
Well it happened again, I was abducted into a journey of darkness and tranquillity which left me awe-struck, and I’m rejuvenated again by another chapter of fulfilment.. Music and especially DT’s music is the element, that one thing that makes life worth living for me.. It’s beyond words how much your music means to me.. Thank you
Yeah, there's actually 3 rounds of questions till they start to be repeated :) . Some are really easy, but you have to think a bit some too :p . I really liked that quiz hehe :rock: .