Any aussies got their hands on a copy yet? Anyone heard the bonus tracks!?

Might travel over to JB tomorrow... it better be there or the JB staff will feel my wrath!
Actually when I called JB yesterday they said it should be in on Saturday (tomorrow), but if the delivery is late it will definately be in stock on Monday (23rd). Apparently they set the date as the monday to cover up in case they don't get stock in on time :P.
I'm ringing them in the morning to see if they have any copies.
Got mine today! :hotjump:

Just listening to it for the first time, so I can't say much yet, but it sure feels great to listen to a brand-new DT album!

äh guys how can I get access to the bonus stuff? when I open the folder xtra, there are just vraious flash or whatever files and no icons and desktops?
I use xp
the focus shift rehersal clip is cool, finally we see their room:-)
Ahhh well the seller just told me that he shipped me DT goodies yesterday, so I should have it around the 3 of May... :waah: .


Btw, also want that cool poster that La Roque posted, is it like the standard one or what? Because if it is then i'll have it :rock: (Niklas looks really handsome btw :) ).
äh guys how can I get access to the bonus stuff? when I open the folder xtra, there are just vraious flash or whatever files and no icons and desktops?
I use xp
the focus shift rehersal clip is cool, finally we see their room:-)

I have this same problems. all files are without extension. I will try to rename some and see if some JPG comes out :Smug:
I've been listening to Fiction pretty much non-stop since yesterday - and I'm loving every second of it! It's really too early to make any comparisons to other albums, but right now I feel Fiction could very well become my favorite DT record - and I'm not saying this lightly.

As some of you may remember, I liked Character a lot when it was released, and I still do. It is just that Fiction has revealed the one flaw of its predecessor to me - Character lacks variety. Whereas Fiction is all about variety - there are just so many different elements on this album. The order of the songs is also perfect; I didn't like the straightforward Focus Shift that much originally, but here it fits perfectly between the less orthodox Misery's Crown and The Mundane and the Magic. The sounds are rich, and even though I occasionally miss the massive "wall of sound" from Character I like the way each instrument can be heard so clearly.

Just like the music, the lyrics also seem to have both traditional DT-elements (plenty of metaphors, newly created words, etc) and some newer (should I say simpler?) - Icipher is a very good example of these two sides. Thematically, Fiction feels like a logical progression from the previous albums; the "fictional" approach hasn't apparently changed the fact that Mikael still likes to dive deep into the human mind and drag out all the negative emotions for all to see.

A special mention needs to be made of Inside the Particle Storm, which is something I certainly didn't expect. It is just so... different. I'm yet to form a coherent opinion of it, but it's certainly the most unique DT song ever. I probably need to listen to it alone, not in the company of Icipher and Empty Me, both of which are a lot easier to "open up". One interesting note is that Inside the Particle Storm is the only DT song Niklas has ever composed all by himself.

^ Yeah when I saw the prices at the Swedish store I was like :zombie: *auch my eye!* * :lol: :p *.

But yeah that offer on E-bay is simply great, and he's aldo selling the ltd. version so ye know :) .

Thanks to Undie for giving me the link to this guy hehe :rock: .

PS: And he already sent the items!!! Wheeee CAN'T WAIT!!!
Whoa, very cheap too! At least compared to Swedish prices. I just asked him if he's selling the Ltd CD as well. Would be a sweet deal to buy vinyl and ltd cd for like $20 :)


just buy from there!

this guy (andreas) is really kind and nice. We had a long email chat about Fiction too :) he cares not about money, but he likes music. and that's what often music-shop owners miss.

And I got the item in 3 days from payment. I have no idea how Germany-to-Italy shipping can be faster than Italy-to-Italy ones :rolleyes:
So anyone figure out the deal with the "xtras" folder? Still have yet to find anything that would come to to be a compressed archive or even a jpeg image in there.

After seeing the LP though I'm tempted to order that as well even though I have the Limited. Ed already.

just buy from there!

this guy (andreas) is really kind and nice. We had a long email chat about Fiction too :) he cares not about money, but he likes music. and that's what often music-shop owners miss.

And I got the item in 3 days from payment. I have no idea how Germany-to-Italy shipping can be faster than Italy-to-Italy ones :rolleyes:

Yeah Andreas is über-great! :rock: It's unusual for him to socialize thatr much, considering that his Deutscher hehehe :lol: ( j/k, not all Germans are cold bastards).

@ Darkstar: You should order the LP :) , LPs are simply awesome (and really hard to take care in tropical countries :erk: , but oh well :ill: ).