"It's just a teddy bear," Boulos said.

Interesting to see, how the muslims (like the school employee) learn to use the laws of their religion for personal intrigues (or revenge, whatever).
That´s how it must have been in a time, where suspecting somebody to be in league with the devil was enough to get him burnt at the stake.
I live in a third world country where the majority of the people are participants in one of the most violent religions ever created. Christianism. Want more bloodshed than the cruzades or the witch hunt? All religions are a bucket of shit. Muslins just looks more crazy than christians because they actually try to follow what is written on that crappy little book of theirs, instead of just pretend like most christians. The only good thing about living on a christian country is that we have a shitload of holydays. :cool:

Dont you find it at all a bit ignorant to blame "religion" for the actions of people abusing their affiliation with it?

Do you equally accuse everyone who steps foot in a gym of taking steroids?
I should have written "SOME".
Sure didn`t want to generalize.

EDIT:..btw: the fact that there ARE muslims who manage to exploit their religion, does not automatically mean, that every muslim is doing this.
I should have written "SOME".
Sure didn`t want to generalize.

EDIT:..btw: the fact that there ARE muslims who manage to exploit their religion, does not automatically mean, that every muslim is doing this.

That may be the case but at this point the Muslims that aren't crazy should tell the other ones to chill the fuck out cause they're giving everyone a REALLY bad name.
"MLB: Mohammed Loves Bacon"


featuring the hit single: "Allah's Balls"

You'd be surprised what you come up with when you work on an assembly line. No shit, the last guitar tone demo I posted up was credited as "MLB." My next little project will as well.

Almost changed it to "SCC." Being Canadian & all: "Seal Clubbing Crew" But, I'll stick with the original for now :)