Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
I'm at my grandparents' house, and we are about to eat dinner. They were out all day, as we were lounging around here. I was enjoying Amityville Horror and Groundhog Day, when my grandparents show up... FINE, OK... but THEN! Her old Jew friends came in and start talking when I was OBVIOUSLY watching Bill Murray drive his truck off of the cliff. YAP YAP YAP. Old dude hands me his phone. "Here ya go, expert. How do ya take pictures?" So I show him, then show him how to view them... I put bowling on because I don't want to offend the Jews. Old woman starts yapping about bowling and how weird it was that they were bowling outside. SHUT THE UFCK UP I DONT CARE!
eh, i just hate it when i'm downstairs watching something and my mom starts talking, loudly and about something completely irrelevant. of course, i hate it when my mom starts talking AT ALL.
Yeah they do. I remember someone on here said the other month "old people are fucking metal", it was disgusting. Like old people.

Some of them are cool though.
I hate old people too. Especially when they think it's ok to stare at me.

I was going to bring this up! They look puzzled and confused when they see a male with long hair and are so fucking stupid that they just stare for minute. It is your right to be able to make scary faces back :lol:

Funny story! The other day my buddy and I were waiting for my other friend to drop off some shit at his mother's office, and in the parking lot was us and only one other car with an old man that looked like he had alzheimer's or something :lol: This guy looked so confused so my friend thought it would be a good idea to do laps around his parked car. I swear to god this guy was like "what the fuck? Damn kids!" while we where shitting bricks from laughter :lol: Must have circled his car at least ten times. Old people = funny
I think it's funny when they get inconvenienced somehow in public and they throw a tantrum. I see it all the time and laugh my ass off. I shouldn't. I'm going to be one rotton old fucker. I feel sorry for my family already.