I could use one. Ever since Enter Sandman was released as a single I have been sickened by the word Metallica. They go sell out and make watered down pussy rock music and now that metal is 'cool' again they jump back into the spotlight and act as this saving grace for the true thrash bands. It sucks that more people didn't give Metallica the finger back in the day and put them out of business. But mainstream pussy america bought their shitty records thinking they were 'cool' and turned them into one of the biggest rock bands of all time. ROCK bands. It is the true thrash bands like Slayer who never sold out that should be headlining any Thrash metal festival tours. How many times can someone hear Fade to Black or One? Those pussies haven't released anything good since the ...And Justice For All album over 22 year ago.
To be honest ANthrax shouldn't even be on a true Thrash metal tour. Those guys, as much as I love their old music, pussed out as well in the 90's.
The thrash bands that never changed to conform to mainstream america such as Slayer, Exodus, Overkill, Kreator, Testament etc should all tell Metallica to fuck off and go do their own tour
.... please pass me that Valium!
I used to think like that but then I realised something as I gotten older in life.
People change. People grow up. People's tastes change.
Whilst I am no fan of Load/Reload do I begrudge a band exploring or expanding their creativity rather than keep writing the same stuff (not that I mind that as Maiden have done it for decades and I love all their stuff).
The thing is that it's so easy to paint it all in black n white and say they sold out but for me it's more grey than that.
For example Anthrax with Bush - they went in a different direction. People especially creative ones (and I say this from my own experiences as I've work in a creative industry for 20 years) the reality is as you get older you explore other things.
My own personal tastes in music has changed and expanded so much since I was a brash 17 year old metal head.
We've all grown up - gotten married, had kids, matured, traveled. You are bound to be influenced by other things and sometimes that shows in your music as well.
For me I don't see it as selling out (re: Metallica) - yes they were influenced by the mainstream, Bob Fucking Rock, etc, and lost of a lot of original diehard fans yet made millions more. Their personal problems have been well documented (on film too).
As I stated I am no fan of that era of their music - maybe one or two songs but heck I won't begrudge them a thing.
For all the hate on Metallica lets be blunt here - without them the mainstream acceptance of Metal would've maybe taken a lot longer. They were at the forefront of that wave that saw the likes of early morning music shows and mainstream radio accepting Metal.
In the 80s if I saw a Iron Maiden film clip squeezed in on some late night obscure music show I would've cried tears of joy - these days it's no big deal if I see Slayer used as background music for a Barbie doll TV ad.
So in summary. To state Metallica shoudn't be headling a thrash tour is for me wrong - they gave us so much and in all honesty without them I doubt the big 4 or thrash would've been as big as it is.
Pass the valium