It's on. More Big 4 shows.

For one Metallica didn't give me anything. I'd rather not hear Slayer on a tv commercial or hear Pantera at a baseball game. I'd rather watch Slayer in a club than an arena...

Let's face it there are Thrash bands that are much more credible than Metallica ever was or will be. Metallica was once a great Thrash band. But that is not what made them huge. What made them huge was the Black Album which was a commercially driven arena rock/metal album. Then they took it a step further, cut their hair, cleaned shit up with the Load/ReLoad era. You really think they just happened to creatively think to themselves, "Hmmm lets cut our hair, dress like preppy frat boys, and then write meathead rock songs and ditch our thrash metal roots"??????? Yeah rigghhhht! You think they decided to bring bands like Linkin Park and LImp Biscuit out with them for no reason? Everything this band does is based around what will make them the most money and bring them the most popularity.

These guys have been the biggest joke of a Thrash Metal band and I am sorry they don't deserve to be on the same bill as Slayer who has never sold out or done any of the stupid mainstream garbage antics that Metallica did.

Anthrax wanted to creatively change because they got older? REALLY? Thats what you want to believe? Now they are older than ever and want to return to Thrash metal? Why would that be? Maybe the Thrash scene is a bit more relevant now and 'cool'. They didn't change from Thrash to Busthrax for any other reason than they wanted to try and capitalize on the current trends.

What ever the case is most people just don't get it and it really doesn't matter. At the end of the day you have a choice to go spend 100 bucks o see Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax. You can be sitting right next to some meathead that nuts himself to Enter Sandman. You will hear the same songs these bands always play, their greatest hits. i just am tired of these packaged tours. I want to see Slayer headlining, Anthrax headlining, and Megadeth and Metallica can go suck it for all I care.

its fair to say they were pretty big b4 black album got them to magstatus,they were selling millions of records b4 that and playing to thousands of people...
i bet you never heard one, just compare their debut with THE X-FACTOR, sounds like 2 different bands.

Actually, I've got all their records. Re-reading my post, I understand how it came across as critical of Iron Maiden (who I like), but that simply was not my intent. Like ironmaidenfan09 said in his response to my post, they never strayed too far from their core sound, which is evidently what he likes. I kind of like that to a degree, but sooner or later it seems like if you're not going to try something different, then why go on at all? That's why I respect bands that will push the envelope of what they are expected to do, musically.

That whole bit about Metallica being the bane of the universe and owning one Iron Maiden album is the same as having them all was a miscalculated attempt at humor. Seriously.
And the fact that you think Metallica gives the majority of fans what they want is bullshit. Not since 1988 has that been the case.

What I was referring to was that the majority of fans want to see all four bands play together. At least out of everyone I know. Those who hate Metallica are still glad that the other three bands are performing with them, as it means larger venues, more fans in attendance, and more public exposure. If Anthrax were to try to headline their own tour right now, no one but the die-hards would go. And hey, just because Anthrax chooses to play their "hits" during the 40 minutes they get doesn't mean they have to. They could just as easily play One World, Howling Furies, Aftershock, Who Cares Wins and H8 Red if they so desired.

As far as the Iron Maiden thing, miscalculated attempt at humor, that's all.
So Metallica have been shit for 20 years. Big fucking deal - Slayer have been shit for about the same length of time. I blame the EMGs!

I don't really understand how anyone can bitch and moan about some shows that they won't even be going to, what's the fucking problem? o_O
To sum it up you know nothing about Iron Maiden if you think that. They are one of the only bands in Metal that never sold out or drastically changed their style of music to conform to radio and/or mainstream rock. And the fact that you think Metallica gives the majority of fans what they want is bullshit. Not since 1988 has that been the case. They have given what the majority of mainstream corporate America wants no the Thrash metal fans that got them to where they were.

None the less who gives a fuck. Metallica will always be the biggest draw of any rock band. They have branded themselves and done all of the right business moves to make them the largest rock band in the world. But for the Thrash metal scene they are a laughing stock.

They could do the headlining arena rock gigs without Slayer, Megadeth, and Anthrax and I wish they would. Just takes more time away from Slayer and Anthrax to do their own tours where they actually can play long sets and play a wider array of material than the 5-7 greatest hits

I find little relation between Killers, Phantom Of the opera and Can I play with Madness, Wasted Years ect. fact of the matter is Maiden did streamline their music for the radio/Mtv in the late 80's. Do your homework.
I could use one. Ever since Enter Sandman was released as a single I have been sickened by the word Metallica. They go sell out and make watered down pussy rock music and now that metal is 'cool' again they jump back into the spotlight and act as this saving grace for the true thrash bands. It sucks that more people didn't give Metallica the finger back in the day and put them out of business. But mainstream pussy america bought their shitty records thinking they were 'cool' and turned them into one of the biggest rock bands of all time. ROCK bands. It is the true thrash bands like Slayer who never sold out that should be headlining any Thrash metal festival tours. How many times can someone hear Fade to Black or One? Those pussies haven't released anything good since the ...And Justice For All album over 22 year ago.

To be honest ANthrax shouldn't even be on a true Thrash metal tour. Those guys, as much as I love their old music, pussed out as well in the 90's.

The thrash bands that never changed to conform to mainstream america such as Slayer, Exodus, Overkill, Kreator, Testament etc should all tell Metallica to fuck off and go do their own tour

.... please pass me that Valium!

Agree with pretty much all you've said on this, but the fact is that without Metallica, Anthrax would be no where near this level of exposure. They HAVE to get the new record out soon to capitalise on this opportunity because the set list makes them look like a nostalgia act.
So Metallica have been shit for 20 years. Big fucking deal - Slayer have been shit for about the same length of time.

Thats bullshit. Slayer has put out quality shit. Even the last album World Painted Blood is brutal. Divine Intervention, God Hates us All, World Painted Blood, Christ Illusion... all classics.

The only sub-par Slayer album was Diabolus. Other than that Slayer has remained just as brutal as they ever were.

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I like diabolus but didn't like divine intervention.

Everything past god hates us all just makes me want to listen to older slayer. It's not bad but...
I've always thought of Diabolus and Divine Intervention as underrated. Actually, DI is one of my favorite Slayer albums. For some reason, God Hates and Christ Illusion never really grabbed me the same way. World Painted Blood was fucking awesome, though. It sounds like it could have been released in between Seasons and DI.
I think the latest Slayer two albums are boring as fuck, the last good effort was God Hates Us All.

I completely disagree. But thats opinions for you. I like the past 2 records more than God Hates Us All.

I love the creepy shit like this:

It's the feel of your blood
As it flows smoothly down my skin
Intoxicating my soul
Immortality, seducing me

Burning in your own hell, which now binds you to me infinitely
Spirits of angels don't weep for you enticing me
Vanity, blood
Left for you to drink

And This

Overwhelming Anxiety.... Flash Backs Panic Attacks

I just love that Slayer doesn't give a fuck. Might find it 'boring' or 'not as good' as the Reign In Blood album etc but they keep writing brutally heavy speed / thrash metal while a lot of their peers pussed out (anthrax, metallica)

Slayer truly never gave a fuck about anything other than putting out violent albums. Their fans always stuck by them and is why they are still going strong. Nice to see that some bands stuck to their guns when others decided to change up to try and stay 'relevant'
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The song "Beauty Through Order" is definitely the best on the record, I like the creepy atmosphere on it as well. But with the last two records, unlike for example Seasons In The Abyss, after one or two listens I have the feeling I don't have to listen to it again. You are right though - it's Slayer and they never gave a fuck.
I never cared for anything by Slayer.

I think that statement says it all!!

If you are any type of metal fan and don't 'care' for anything slayer has done you are fucked in the head plain and simple and might want to question if you really are a fan of metal music. If you don't 'care' for Reign In Blood which is probably the best thrash/speed metal album ever written you have serious problems.... my opinion of course...

But hey there is always The Damned Things to turn to when someone cranks a Slayer album at a party!
I think that statement says it all!!

If you are any type of metal fan and don't 'care' for anything slayer has done you are fucked in the head plain and simple and might want to question if you really are a fan of metal music. If you don't 'care' for Reign In Blood which is probably the best thrash/speed metal album ever written you have serious problems.... my opinion of course...

But hey there is always The Damned Things to turn to when someone cranks a Slayer album at a party!

My god, you're such a fucking tool. You're a worthless piece of shit. Nothing about you is good. You're a human queef. All my opinion of course...