It's on. More Big 4 shows.

I think that statement says it all!!

If you are any type of metal fan and don't 'care' for anything slayer has done you are fucked in the head plain and simple and might want to question if you really are a fan of metal music. If you don't 'care' for Reign In Blood which is probably the best thrash/speed metal album ever written you have serious problems.... my opinion of course...

But hey there is always The Damned Things to turn to when someone cranks a Slayer album at a party!

Yes, it IS your opinion fuck tard and YOURS only. I AM a fan of some metal, but I don't care for Slayer or that shit where they sound like fuckin' Cookie Monster the whole time..
My addy is 10 Handworth Way, Nottingham, MD. Come say it to my face bitch. I don't listen to much metal. All I really listen to is mainly Anthrax, some Megadeth, Testament, Metal Church, Wrathchild America, Metallica, and Raven.
Yes, it IS your opinion fuck tard and YOURS only. I AM a fan of some metal, but I don't care for Slayer or that shit where they sound like fuckin' Cookie Monster the whole time..
My addy is 10 Handworth Way, Nottingham, MD. Come say it to my face bitch. I don't listen to much metal. All I really listen to is mainly Anthrax, some Megadeth, Testament, Metal Church, Wrathchild America, Metallica, and Raven.

Ironmaidenfan09 is a complete and utter cock-jockey, I don't think anyone here actually takes him seriously.
Ignore him, or laugh at him, that's what we all do. :wave:
Ironmaidenfan09 is a complete and utter cock-jockey, I don't think anyone here actually takes him seriously.
Ignore him, or laugh at him, that's what we all do. :wave:

Yeah, you're right. I'm over it. I'm just a little moody today. It's not worth getting upset over a POS's opinion lol! :tickled:
Yes, it IS your opinion fuck tard and YOURS only. I AM a fan of some metal, but I don't care for Slayer or that shit where they sound like fuckin' Cookie Monster the whole time..
My addy is 10 Handworth Way, Nottingham, MD. Come say it to my face bitch. I don't listen to much metal. All I really listen to is mainly Anthrax, some Megadeth, Testament, Metal Church, Wrathchild America, Metallica, and Raven.

Exactly it explains it all. You are not a thrash metal fan. "Some Metal" yet you are on this forum getting involved in thrash metal discussions? Calling Slayer "Cookie Monster" shows how much of a retard you are.

You just made it a lot easier for me to understand why you would not know anything about Thrash metal music. You sound like someones mom calling Thrash metal music "cookie monster"

I guess I really hit a nerve with you for you to give your address out to the world. Sounds like someone is feeling a bit threatened. I can't believe you would like Testament since Chuck Billy can sound like the Cookie Monster himself.
Exactly it explains it all. You are not a thrash metal fan. "Some Metal" yet you are on this forum getting involved in thrash metal discussions? Calling Slayer "Cookie Monster" shows how much of a retard you are.

You just made it a lot easier for me to understand why you would not know anything about Thrash metal music. You sound like someones mom calling Thrash metal music "cookie monster"

I guess I really hit a nerve with you for you to give your address out to the world. Sounds like someone is feeling a bit threatened. I can't believe you would like Testament since Chuck Billy can sound like the Cookie Monster himself.

He said he likes Anthrax, who are you tell him he can't come on here you fucking idiot?

And he's clearly meaning death metal with the "cookie monster" comment. How come you don't know that? Just like you knew shit about Bathory - you're such an expert on heavy metal, you don't have a fucking clue!
He said he likes Anthrax, who are you tell him he can't come on here you fucking idiot?

And he's clearly meaning death metal with the "cookie monster" comment. How come you don't know that? Just like you knew shit about Bathory - you're such an expert on heavy metal, you don't have a fucking clue!

I'd love to have an open discussion about anyting metal related with you or anyone at anytime. Might not like my opinions, statements, etc. But I know my metal and that I will back up. Been into metal for over 30 years.

I know plenty about the Viking metal bands... I think they are cheesy as fuck. Don't like them, don't like most Black Metal bands either. So what. I can still get why people would like it and can respect those bands for being extreme and not giving a fuck.

I'd take Bathory over The Damned Things any day of the week
I'd love to have an open discussion about anyting metal related with you or anyone at anytime. Might not like my opinions, statements, etc. But I know my metal and that I will back up. Been into metal for over 30 years.

I know plenty about the Viking metal bands... I think they are cheesy as fuck. Don't like them, don't like most Black Metal bands either. So what. I can still get why people would like it and can respect those bands for being extreme and not giving a fuck.

I'd take Bathory over The Damned Things any day of the week

So, in conclusion: You have found yourself a preference level concerning "extreme music". You respect people who like music that is more extreme than your own preference level, but not people who like less extreme music.

That's silly.

To me, Anthrax is more like a cross-over thrash band. They've been experimenting with different styles and genres for a large part of their career. As a conseqence they've gained listeners with different musical preferences. That can be seen from the opinions expressed on this very forum.

Your challenge is obviously to respect the fact that there are people out there in the world that hold different opinions than yourself. It appears to be very difficult for you, but you have the benefit of life experience since your neary as old as Scott Ian (give or take). Best of luck!
I'd love to have an open discussion about anyting metal related with you or anyone at anytime. Might not like my opinions, statements, etc. But I know my metal and that I will back up. Been into metal for over 30 years.

I know plenty about the Viking metal bands... I think they are cheesy as fuck. Don't like them, don't like most Black Metal bands either. So what. I can still get why people would like it and can respect those bands for being extreme and not giving a fuck.

I'd take Bathory over The Damned Things any day of the week

Why do you always have to be such a complete prick to anyone that likes different music to you then? The guy said he's an Anthrax fan, and you have the fucking cheek to ask why he's posting on an Anthrax board as if you're in charge of the place?
I haven't even read that Damned Things thread, I have no interest in the band, so I didn't bother with the thread. No doubt you have no interest in them either but felt the NEED to go in and shit all over it like you do with every other thread on here.
I'm sure you're, in reality, a good guy - just stop being a total nob to people that listen to music that doesn't fit your safe worldview.
I'm not surprised you don't like black metal, you're about as far from the "satanic" ethos as it's possible to get in metal. "Do what thou wilt, (as long as it's the same as everyone else)." :zombie:

Here's a New Year's resoloution for you: listen to more than Slayer, Pantera and weirdos with dirty hair and big stupid earrings that do shit cover versions of AC/DC songs.
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Exactly it explains it all. You are not a thrash metal fan. "Some Metal" yet you are on this forum getting involved in thrash metal discussions? Calling Slayer "Cookie Monster" shows how much of a retard you are.

You just made it a lot easier for me to understand why you would not know anything about Thrash metal music. You sound like someones mom calling Thrash metal music "cookie monster"

I guess I really hit a nerve with you for you to give your address out to the world. Sounds like someone is feeling a bit threatened. I can't believe you would like Testament since Chuck Billy can sound like the Cookie Monster himself.

Wow, I actually almost read your entire post above. :tickled:
Here's a New Year's resoloution for you: listen to more than Slayer, Pantera and weirdos with dirty hair and big stupid earrings that do shit cover versions of AC/DC songs.

Ahhhh so now you are insulting Chris Barnes who is arguably the best gutteral death metal vocalist of all time? The one that almost every extreme death metal vocalist would try to copy back in the day? Nice

Go put on your diapers and swords and jam out to Bathory. Might make you feel better!
Cannibal Corpse was fine 20 years ago when I was a stoned out teenager.... once I stopped smoking weed, I just couldn't get past the vocals.

I still love old Cannibal Corpse. Once Barnes was gone I wasn't into them as much. But I can still put in The Bleeding, Butchered at Birth, Tomb of the Mutilated and want to go out and kill people. The lyrics are fuckin great on all of those albums. Hilarious shit. I watched their recent DVD documentary and it was awesome to see the real deal with these guys

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Ahhhh so now you are insulting Chris Barnes who is arguably the best gutteral death metal vocalist of all time?

Pfft. Benton, Schuldiner, Vincent - all better vocalists, and all in vastly superior bands.

I assume you don't listen to death metal bands like Nile, Necrophagist, Akercocke or Death? You prefer simplistic - SIMPLE - death metal right?
I wonder why....o_O

Here, this beats the shit out of CC:

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Pfft. Benton, Schuldiner, Vincent - all better vocalists, and all in vastly superior bands.

I assume you don't listen to death metal bands like Nile, Necrophagist, Akercocke or Death? You prefer simplistic - SIMPLE - death metal right?
I wonder why....o_O

Here, this beats the shit out of CC:

I am a huge fan of all those bands you mentioned. They are all different in their own ways. I just like the vocal style and lyrics from Chris Barnes better. It's funnier and more brutal.

For more technical death metal I will take Suffocation over all of those. They are still brutal as fuck but have technical elements to them.

Morbid Angel is one of my all time favorite bands. Deicide have seen them live 4 times.... back in the day that is. They never really did much for me live. But their early albums were some of the best death metal ever.

The technical Death metal bands get a bit monotonous to me. Bands like Obituary are very simple yet brutal and I love that style of death metal just as much as any of them.
morbid angel are great live,carcass tops them all for me.

Carcass was always awesome. Though I didn't really like the stuff they did after Heartwork. Even Heartwork they went in a more Thrashy direction. I liked Necroticism as it was heavy as fuck. Symphonies of Sickness was awesome as well as Reek. Carcass was one of the innovators of grindcore / death metal. Loved them

One of my favorites of all time too is Bolt Thrower.

Carcass, Napalm Death, Bolt Thrower... all brilliant
Meh, I never got Napalm Death. Bolt Thrower are alright but all their albums sound much the same.
I had an Earache sampler tape when I was 14 or so and it had Entombed, "Crawl", Bolt Thrower "Cenotaph", something from Carcass IIRC, Morbid Angel "Blessed Are The Sick" and a Godflesh one. Napalm Death might have been on it too. That tape was what got me into death metal, it was brilliant.