Its over..... for the most part.


Apr 28, 2005
Stop bashing either direction all. I am a BIG Bush era fan. That being said at this point I dont hold a grudge toward the band for the reunion. WCFYA didnt sell much, playing little venues wont make you rich. Without either money of your own to continue a project or support (money) from the record company there just isnt anything you can do. If the reunion tour makes the band and more importantly the label some money then we may be lucky enough to see a new studio album. Will it be with Joey? My gut, and nothing else says no. Will it be with John? My gut says there is a better chance of this than with Joey. Looking at the big picture I honestly just dont see a new studio effort. these things dont pay for themselves. I may be wrong and I hope that I am. In the end the boys did what they needed to do to try and keep Anthrax alive and nothing more. Love it or leave it is up to the individual but think about this...... The only chance the Bush fans have f seeing another studio rec with him in Anthrax is to spend money on the CDC, the new releases and show tickets. If you dont you are damning any chance of ANYTHING from your "favorite band" in the future. Sorry for being sort of long winded here. I kind of feel like its time to come to terms. Stop making it all a big soap opera it isnt personal. Also understand that the motivation behind all this, as stated out of context, is money. NOT greed but money. Money to keep ANthrax alive in one form or another.

Peace and unity in the Anthrax community :headbang:
true, it's about money. But some on this board seem to think these guys have Metallicash kinds of dough. These dudes got to make a living. I doubt they're scrounging to pennies to pay the water bill, but they have to work.
jrw01-half said:
true, it's about money. But some on this board seem to think these guys have Metallicash kinds of dough. These dudes got to make a living. I doubt they're scrounging to pennies to pay the water bill, but they have to work.

What???? I thought they all had gold encrusted fish tanks:OMG:and wiped their asses with 100 dollar bills. Say it ain't so
I wish people would stop bitching but some people won't lt it go...It is a huge slap in the face to the band and it's annoying... Just let it go and move on.. If you don't like this line-up then there are plenty of other bands to listen to out there... I wasn't a huge fan of the Bush ERA stuff so I listened to teh Anthrax I liked and moved on.... I didn't cry like a little bitch every fucking day...
I like SOD, but Billy is an asshole. I don't care if he is right, I don't care if he called it months ago. The whole point of this was that it was suppose to be special. Of Course people knew about the reunion before it actually happened - that did not give him to open his fat mouth and start causing a stir. Billy is pissed at the Anthrax guys (well, at least 2 of them...) but for God's sake, man, let it fucking die. It is kinda disturbing that someone Billy's age has nothing better to fucking do with their time, money, fame, then to go on the internet and start shit. The whole thing is - Billy could give a fuck who is singing. He will sit there and try to say he "relates" to John Bush's current situation, but Billy's musical relationship with Scott and Charlie has always been a SIDE PROJECT. I am not defending anyone here, that is how it really is. If at any point in the past 20 years, Scott and Charlie said in an interview "fuck Anthrax, we are gonna do SOD full time" then please correct me now.

And I don't disagree with trying to make money off of a reunion tour. you gotta pay the fucking bills. I'm sure nobody is gonna be buying a private Jet when this reunion is over - they can't be raking in that much. If you are a band, on anything more then a local leval, you should be paid to perform. That is that. If they do a tour with John next year everyone will bitch about that too - and say it's for the money. People get paid to do their jobs! I never heard anybody say "look at that fucking asshole at McDonalds!! He sits there all day, flips the burgers, I bet you he is just doing it for the money!" No fucking shit asshole, shut your fucking lips.

Damnit I can't stop going on rants tonight........
i do agree that this is the most important time to support them,who's to say that a record with belladonna wouldnt work,it worked in the past didnt it,charlie made a concious decision to change the music which i think worked well,i also think that it might be a one off record with belladonna just to say they finished what they started.
ThraxEm said:
Stop bashing either direction all. I am a BIG Bush era fan. That being said at this point I dont hold a grudge toward the band for the reunion. WCFYA didnt sell much, playing little venues wont make you rich. Without either money of your own to continue a project or support (money) from the record company there just isnt anything you can do. If the reunion tour makes the band and more importantly the label some money then we may be lucky enough to see a new studio album. Will it be with Joey? My gut, and nothing else says no. Will it be with John? My gut says there is a better chance of this than with Joey. Looking at the big picture I honestly just dont see a new studio effort. these things dont pay for themselves. I may be wrong and I hope that I am. In the end the boys did what they needed to do to try and keep Anthrax alive and nothing more. Love it or leave it is up to the individual but think about this...... The only chance the Bush fans have f seeing another studio rec with him in Anthrax is to spend money on the CDC, the new releases and show tickets. If you dont you are damning any chance of ANYTHING from your "favorite band" in the future. Sorry for being sort of long winded here. I kind of feel like its time to come to terms. Stop making it all a big soap opera it isnt personal. Also understand that the motivation behind all this, as stated out of context, is money. NOT greed but money. Money to keep ANthrax alive in one form or another.

Peace and unity in the Anthrax community :headbang:
Sorry dude, but I don't agree with the money thing. I'm sure nobody thinks there will be any regenerated intrest in Anthrax because of this reunion. They came out like it was supposed to be the Metal story of the year, but nobody gave a shit. I think they thought it would get some attention, but now they are stuck. :headbang: However, I am down with Peace and unity in the Anthrax community.
DarrellDethSDMF said:
Come on, you know that's not true.
Sure it's true. You and I noticed. Anthrax fans either Loved it or Hated it, but the rest of the world just went on, not giving a shit about Anthrax.
cant speak for any other country but anthrax came to australia a couple years ago for wcfya tour they did play 2 nights in sydney and yes they were sold out,point is there were 2 other bands playing on that bill,killswitch engage +soilwork,1 year later they play reunion tour here,played a venue that holds a few thousand and near packed it out with a little hand from a longtime aussie metal band,it was an anthrax crowd so u cannot say the whole world just moved on,and i think thats the case all over,they have headlined festivals and played to crowds they never would have with bush.
mrthrax said:
they have headlined festivals and played to crowds they never would have with bush. point is; Anthrax fans Noticed. But it isn't regenerating any NEW interest in the band. They're not out there selling out Stadiums, now or then. As a matter of fact, since nobody asked, I think this is going to hurt them.
I don't know dude, I will work my ass off my whole life and I'll never be rich.
I still wouldn't just dump a partner that helped me reach such a high level of success, even if it was over ten years ago.
ThraxEm said:
Stop bashing either direction all. I am a BIG Bush era fan. That being said at this point I dont hold a grudge toward the band for the reunion. WCFYA didnt sell much, playing little venues wont make you rich. Without either money of your own to continue a project or support (money) from the record company there just isnt anything you can do. If the reunion tour makes the band and more importantly the label some money then we may be lucky enough to see a new studio album. Will it be with Joey? My gut, and nothing else says no. Will it be with John? My gut says there is a better chance of this than with Joey. Looking at the big picture I honestly just dont see a new studio effort. these things dont pay for themselves. I may be wrong and I hope that I am. In the end the boys did what they needed to do to try and keep Anthrax alive and nothing more. Love it or leave it is up to the individual but think about this...... The only chance the Bush fans have f seeing another studio rec with him in Anthrax is to spend money on the CDC, the new releases and show tickets. If you dont you are damning any chance of ANYTHING from your "favorite band" in the future. Sorry for being sort of long winded here. I kind of feel like its time to come to terms. Stop making it all a big soap opera it isnt personal. Also understand that the motivation behind all this, as stated out of context, is money. NOT greed but money. Money to keep ANthrax alive in one form or another.

Peace and unity in the Anthrax community :headbang:

Of course this whole thing is about $$$...but what is bothersome is the fact that while many other artists invest in their own futures by building studios in their homes so they can control costs of their recordings, or simply investing for their futrure, certain members of Anthrax are very shortsighted in this area. I remember an article in Fortune magazine a few years back that focused on rock stars and their $$$. Scott Ian was featured and seemed proud of the fact that he had probably earned over a million dollars at this point, but had invested very little and bragged about all the "shit" he buys (ie collectables, Kiss shit, etc....) Hey, I say spend your money on whatever you want, but don't whine and moan when there's none left, and you gotta do a reunuion tour strictly to raise capital to "pay the bills" as so many of you have noted. All entertainers know fame is fleeting so at least save while you're making money, simple economics. To say these guys haven't had the opportunity to set themselves up for life or at least retirement is fucking insane. From 87-92 they could've earned enough for their kids college fund easily...but who fuckin' cares I've got a limited edition shogun warrior on my mantle. No pity from me on the cash front. Btw, wake the fuck up folks...notice how they haven't done a true, full size "Reunion Headlining Tour" in the states...that's cause they would be playing the exact same size venues as they did with John two years ago ...cause NO ONE CARES!!!
hootchietoad said:
Of course this whole thing is about $$$...but what is bothersome is the fact that while many other artists invest in their own futures by building studios in their homes so they can control costs of their recordings, or simply investing for their futrure, certain members of Anthrax are very shortsighted in this area. I remember an article in Fortune magazine a few years back that focused on rock stars and their $$$. Scott Ian was featured and seemed proud of the fact that he had probably earned over a million dollars at this point, but had invested very little and bragged about all the "shit" he buys (ie collectables, Kiss shit, etc....) Hey, I say spend your money on whatever you want, but don't whine and moan when there's none left, and you gotta do a reunuion tour strictly to raise capital to "pay the bills" as so many of you have noted. All entertainers know fame is fleeting so at least save while you're making money, simple economics. To say these guys haven't had the opportunity to set themselves up for life or at least retirement is fucking insane. From 87-92 they could've earned enough for their kids college fund easily...but who fuckin' cares I've got a limited edition shogun warrior on my mantle. No pity from me on the cash front. Btw, wake the fuck up folks...notice how they haven't done a true, full size "Reunion Headlining Tour" in the states...that's cause they would be playing the exact same size venues as they did with John two years ago ...cause NO ONE CARES!!!

Agreed! It's sad, but true!