ITT: good lyrics


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
'kin search function sucks arse, can't find any of the 29052452 threads of the same subject. Anywho:

did you happen to catch
or did it happen so fast
what you thought would always last
has passed you by
is everything speeding up
or am I slowing down
just spinning around
and I don't know why
all the pieces don't fit
thought I really didn't give a shit
I never wanted to be like you
but for all I aspire
I am really a liar
and I'm running out of things I can do

I'd like to stay
but every day
everything pushes me further away
if you could show
help me to know
how it's supposed to be
where did it go?

pleading and
needing and
bleeding and
breeding and
where is everybody?
trying and lying
defying denying
crying and dying
where is everybody?

well okay, enough,
you've had your fun
but come on there has to be someone
that hasn't yet become
so numb and succumb
and god damn I am so tired of pretending
of wishing I was ending
when all I'm really doing is trying to hide
and keep it inside
and fill it with lies
open my eyes?
maybe I wish I could try

pleading and needing
and bleeding and breeding
and feeding exceeding
where is everybody?
trying and lying
defying denying
crying and dying
where is everybody?

Yeah sorta depressing, but I still really dig 'em.
Use them, abuse them, bleed them dry, to leave them fiending (weakened and manipulated)
In a lust for sin and a devourment for the living, our dreams connected (and wishes crossed paths)
For she is inside of me, and I in her. Death comes by sleep, be the shadow
to tint the corpses (in which we walk). We'll never be alone in the death
that surrounds us (all felt and seenthough the same eye). Let me parallel
your ancient ways. I will kill for you, if only you for me. Their poison,
our abyss had risen. Veins strengthen and hate is the will to live, shadows
of human suffering have found a home, watered with blackened blood for
extinction to grow. Poison my human heart, for you were created to rid me of
this human shell, to feel your murderous touch and lack of emotion.
Do you ever think about
What a lovely place the world would be
Without all the people
That make life so unpleasant?

All the small, petty people
All the ugly, annoying people
It's hard not to think about it

I like to think about
What could be
Done to these people
Something cruel
Something mean
Something just
But the meaner the better
Goodness knows they deserve it

Have you ever dreamed of
Killing all the stupid people?
Not just the unintelligent people
But the sort that don't know anything about anything
But seem to have opinions about everything
They're only too ready to offer their advice about
How to run your life
And yet look at how they run their own lives
For the most part they've accomplished nothing
They've contributed nothing
Their lives are miserable
But they talk, talk, talk…
At the very least their tongues should be cut out
At the very least

Do you ever wanna
Kill all the people who tell lies?
Some certainly deserve it
Not necessarily the big liars
Or even those who teach lies as truth
I'm talking about people
Who say one thing and do another
Or who tell you they sent something express mail
When you know they haven't

Did you ever want to
Kill all the slow people in the world?
The people who are in front of you
When they should be behind you
A crime that the swift should be help back by the slow
And it's criminal that nothing is going to rectify it

And what about all the really ugly people?
Add them to the list as well
Some people try not to think about life's ugliness
I've thought about it
I've thought about it quite a lot
Something should be done to these people
Something to make them suffer
The way they've made us suffer

I say, bring back the Circus Maximus
For starters
Unless these weeds are dealt with
They’ll poison everything
They are poisoning everything
We need a gardener
A brutal gardener
A thorough, thoughtful gardener
An iron gardener

Whatever happened to Vlad the Impaler?
Where's Genghis Kahn when you need him?
Or Roi d'Ys?
Ayatollah Khomeini?
Adolf Hitler?
Benito Mussolini?

Come back!
Come back!

//Boyd Rice & Friends - People

NAD i know Moose sent you an mp3 from this album ("Music, Martinis and Misanthropy") but did he send you this one? it's fuckin hilarious :D
cthulufhtagn said:
Use them, abuse them, bleed them dry, to leave them fiending (weakened and manipulated)
In a lust for sin and a devourment for the living, our dreams connected (and wishes crossed paths)
For she is inside of me, and I in her. Death comes by sleep, be the shadow
to tint the corpses (in which we walk). We'll never be alone in the death
that surrounds us (all felt and seenthough the same eye). Let me parallel
your ancient ways. I will kill for you, if only you for me. Their poison,
our abyss had risen. Veins strengthen and hate is the will to live, shadows
of human suffering have found a home, watered with blackened blood for
extinction to grow. Poison my human heart, for you were created to rid me of
this human shell, to feel your murderous touch and lack of emotion.

mmmm, xasthur.

Worms increase
Invisible leading row
Followers follow ignorantly
Scooped out eyes, chained arms and legs
Living only for instinct and greed like fools
And fake legs over shoulders
Talking to themselves
I am looking at the crowd of worms
With my eyes shut
As you know where the sunshine is

Time passes
Only darkness surrounds the air
The dark is endlessly long and cold, as it is frozen
As you know, the time comes when discussion is allowed
For self-justification
And greed-calling dreams

Again worms gather
They talk nonsense
Nonsense echos and is drawn into the empty dark
My eyes are still shut
My way to go is absurdly narrow
We must go walk for our ways
Even in the dark
Even the arms holding on, for coldness, rot and fall off

We must go on walking
We must go on dancing
Demilich said:

//Boyd Rice & Friends - People

NAD i know Moose sent you an mp3 from this album ("Music, Martinis and Misanthropy") but did he send you this one? it's fuckin hilarious :D

on the live cd I have, the last lines are


[Verse 1]
Got 'em up, yeah my Taliano, not many brothers is rollin in Diablos
Hittin the hard rock, to finish my work spot
I'm lookin for females to cop (yeah)
You thinkin past me, I'm rollin up a five point O like pimps on ho, G
And I'm sittin in third, I'm never on swerve, to the right I merge
Now I'm patrollin and I'm lookin for a skirt, this thing I'm holin
I still got game ain't a damn thing change
I spot ten V's in the left lane
Eye contact is on, I'm rollin down windows pointin at thongs
And she's poppin them buttons and yankin that blouse
Girl let it all out!
And that's what she did, baby ain't no kid
36 D's a make a man skid
I'm puttin in work on the freeway pass
Cause she put 'em on the glass (yeah)

[Break] - w/ ad libs
Put 'em on the glass ..
Put 'em on the glass, girl
Put 'em on the glass

[Verse 2]
Yes he's kinky, weenie and jinky
Got fresh rock on his pinkie
He gets paid to stay laid
My copycats fade, evade to unpaid who's stay played
Girls when I'm on the freeway
Cats jumpin in, givin me leeway
And then drop them things on the dash
This Porsche is quick so don't try to run fast
At speed I got a need to see you breathe
And proceed with the kinky tease
Indecent exposure can't hold ya, it's makin you bolder
Cause baby is a Mix-A-Lot soldier
But lusting is on balls
Everybody's beggin to get into your draws
What's makin you hit brown?
+Baby Got Back+ or (shake it up and down)
You can follow me home cause this bone is on full blown
Straight growin all night long
I like my females nasty
Never try to drive straight past me
Just get in the left lane and show me your insane
And fill up the window with fangs
Puttin niggaz on skids, jump out and straight crash
Cause she put 'em on the glass

[Break] - w/ ad libs - (*scratched*)

[Verse 3]
How many times will you play this
before your ban this, I heard Mix so I can't stand this
But I got a family, lovin this scandalous rap
Guess who I got layin on the canvas
Hard from the three way party
Baby them things is workin
Fillin up the passenger window with Jergens
You hit the gas I hit my drool
Baby can I get with you?
Rush the blood 'til the glass gets dressed
Obsessed with the ways you express yourself
Some say I only rap about wealth
But baby can I talk about your health?
Lungs, lungs, motherfuckin lungs
Get a brother oh so strung
I'm lovin this window draftin
The whole right lane is draftin
Offend me, offend me, you can freak me if your friendly
B double O B S, straight sittin in the window
I'd rather kiss them than indo
And if you see me on the freeway, baby don't pass
Slow down and put 'em on the glass

[Break] - w/ ad libs
Put 'em on the glass
Put 'em on the glass, girl
Put 'em on the glass
Now shake them titties ..
Shake 'em ..
Put 'em on the glass ..
Put 'em on the glass
Mendel's machines replicate in the night
In the black iron prison of St. Augustine's light
He's paying the bills and they're doing him proud
They can float their burnt offerings on assembler clouds

With omega point in the sight
The new Franklins fly their kites
And the post modern empire is ended tonight

From history
The flood of counterfeits released
The black cloud
Reductionism and the beast
Automatons gather all the pieces
So the world may be increased
In simulation jubilation
For the deceased...

Spray-on clothes and diamond jaws
Wrinkles smoothed by nanoclaws

With my machines I can dispatch you
From this world without a trace
Our nostalgia ghosts are ready to take your place

Content-shifting shopping malls
Gasoline trees and walk-through walls

None of them knew...

I feel the grey goo boiling my blood
As I watch the dead rise up out of the earth
Try to hide from the lies as they all come true

Deus absconditus
Deus nullus deus nisi deus

I feel the grey goo boiling my blood
As the fenris wolf slowly bites through his chain
Try to hide the myth as it becomes a man

None of them knew they were robots

Buying an X or an O
In state craft tic tac toe
Cats game for Joe Blow

Post industrial bliss
A binary hug or kiss
Can be wrung from utility mist

They stole the great arcanum
The secret fire
Moloch found his gold
For the new empire
Once again
The necrophage becomes saint

Lindy hop around the truth
Jump back wolf pack attack
Slap back white shark attack
Swingin' up there in the noose
Jump back wolf pack attack
Slap back white shark attack

Phased array diffraction nets
From full-wall paint-on TV sets
Migratory home sublets
And time shared diamond fiber sets

Recombinant logos keys
Bitic Qabalistic trees

I feel the grey goo boiling my blood
As leviathan and his bugs freeze the sea
Try to save the world by immolating myself

From history
The flood of counterfeits released
The black cloud
The resurrection of the deceased
Automatons gather all the pieces
So the world may be increased
In simulation jubilation
For the builders
Of the body of the beast
What thoughts are running through your young head?
Honey don't you wish I was dead, I know you do
You're gunna learn cos I'm your main source
I ain't no measured mile, I can make you run my course

You better act sweet don't 'cha treat me like dirt
You're 'bout to get it darlin' for all that you're worth
If I have to scream 'till my voice gets hoarse
I'll take no back talk lord! you'll run my course

And in the night I'll make you suffer
All your days are gunna rain
When you think You've felt the misery
I'll make you lonley just the same

You better act sweet don't 'cha treat me like dirt
You're 'bout to get it darlin' for all that you're worth
If I have to scream 'till my voice gets hoarse
I'll take no back talk lord! you'll run my course

Nice and simple, just how I like em! And MAAAN these are the best lyrics to take out stress after arguing with a woman! :kickass:
got one for you chromo (a classic):

I'm the best you'll ever have
You're the best I'll never have


Here kitty kitty kitty


listen through the walls
the sound of quick footsteps sneaking down the hall
the pages turning
the leaky roof
the toilet flushing
numbers on the license plate

I'm nothing more than
The best you'll never have
A speck on your bedroom wall
A blood red waterfall


Your dead things are locked up inside
Blow smoke rings straight back in time
Roses floating out with the tide
Dance and sing under gunfire
Open wings slowly take flight...

Around these parts a fly can live---
A fly can live a thousand years
but a man cannot die soon enough, true enough

A smiling drunk nursing a glass of milk
A girl with a face like prison bread
Over the kitchen noise I hear them howl at me

A scabby ketchup bottle and a two-dollar bill
I guess its time to pay the bill, but you know I never will
I'm hungry still...


Mercy killing on the way
Never thought I'd hear you say
Falling to your knees and pray now...

In this crowded place I could swing a cat
And not even hit a soul...
It's just the lonely vacuum of human black holes

And I'm as dry as these thirsty trees
with big city thoughts in the dirty breeze...
promising to set me free
"waiter, check please..."

A Cautionary Tale

Faustus begin thine incantations,
take good care to draw thy circle true,
by God must you prevail -
for if you fail these
demons make a meal of you.

Your soul shall be their meat -
a kingly feast for them to eat,
beware your future at hand,
alas for thou art dammed.

"Faustus seek repentance,
abjure this evil art,
cease this wretched wickedness
and cleans thy foolish heart,
for the evil that once served you
has made of you a slave,
and transformed your bed of roses'
to a premature grave."

Then in a mighty flash of light
before thee Mephistopheles appears.

"I charge thee go and change thy shape,
for you fill my soul with fear.
Now swift-as-hell back to the fire
return an old Franciscan Friar."

"Mortal command me while you can,
For surely thou art dammed."

"Faustus be thou resolute
in what thou wilst perform,
ignore these righteous idiots -
their trinity to scorn,
for years of depravation you receive eternal life,
but fame and wealth and maidens-fair
are by far the better price."

"Temptations all around me,
is there nowhere I can turn?
Hellfire is all about me,
now I know that I shall burn,
I face excommunication for the error
of my ways - to burn in Hell for all my days.
Bell, book and candle, candle, book, bell,
forwards and backwards to damn me to Hell.

Jehova I beg thee have mercy on my soul.
Be gone foul beast that stands before me,
my God! The midnight hour chimes,
oh Lord have mercy he comes for me,
I haven't got much time.
I am awake this is no dream,
I cry - but terror takes my scream,
and now my future is at hand,
also for I am dammed."

"Think for just one moment
and I'm sure that you will see,
the moral of this story -
that what shall be must be.
He who gives his soul to Hell,
must dare to pay the price,
he versed in divinity must
live a noble life -
I don't pay much attention to lyrics these days but I was listening to some Nargaroth the other day and caught these which I liked. Simple and repetative but I like them.

I have seen the wrath of the land.
Cause I am a real life wolf among the sheep.
I was a part of the wrath of the lamb.
So I am a part of the wolf.
I am the wolf. I am the lamb.
So I am Satan in thy wrath.

Call me a judas, call me insane.
But I am what I am, I'm just a man.
Call me a judas, call me insane.
But I am what I am, I'm just a man.

I have seen the wrath of the land.
Cause I am a real life wolf among the sheep.
I was a part of the wrath of the lamb.
So I am a part of the wolf.

I am the wolf. I am the lamb.
So I am Satan in thy wrath.
Call me a judas, call me insane.
But I am what I am, I'm just a man.
Call me a judas, call me insane.
But I am what I am, I'm just a man.

I have seen the wrath of the land.
Cause I am a real life wolf among the sheep.
I was a part of the wrath of the lamb.
So I am a part of the wolf.

I am the wolf. I am the lamb.
So I am what Satan is for god.
Call me a judas, call me insane.
But I am what I am, I'm just a man.
But I am what I am, I'm just a man.

I have seen the wrath of the lamb.
Cause I am a real life wolf among the sheep.
I was a part of the wrath of the land.
So I am a part of the wolf.

I am the wolf. I am the lamb.
So I am what Satan is for god.
I am the wolf. I am the lamb.
So I am what Satan is for god.
Call me a judas, call me insane.
But I am what I am, I'm just a man.
Call me a judas, call me insane.
But I am what I am, A fuckin' man.