ITT: good lyrics

Whoah whoah whoah, Erik, you're talking awesome D666 lyrics and you leave out...

I Am The Wargod (Ode To The Battle Slain)

From the dawn of time
Man has always sought to allay his fears,
From the demons without and the demons that surely lurk within

"Don't look for a rhyme or a reason to the story
Now is not the time, the season, no glory
Don't look for a moral or right to this tale
Don't look for a saviour for your weak and your frail"

For I am the War God

There are many bridges to be crossed
and many more to burn!

"I would sooner see you dead than hear your poisoned words
Slain upon a battle field, your voice cannot be heard
I would suffer a thousand, a thousand years in silence
My advice to you, is a message in violence."

'cos I am the War God!

"Though the tale is over, the song remains the same
Gods and idealism forever call our name
So we rise upon to the mount with Kings at our Command
To turn the endless cycle of the savage bloody hand"

And it's hard to see into the night, when your eyes are blinded by the light
And it's hard to learn from the past, when the past is a whore to the last

And it's hard to hold back the Hate
A Portrait Of The Young Man As An Artist


Look at you all clutching your guitars
As if it makes a difference to who you really are
Does the picking of a string stop the ticking of the clock?
When will this curtain fall?

How did you carve that psalms?
I'm sorry but your intellect is really not that sharp
You're drowning so you plagiarize what you wish to become
A stone masquerade so cold

What's real about this story?
What's real?

Am I safe? Am I safe to be alone?
When all around are lost
Comsumed by my indifference and left to count the cost
Of all the bleeding hearts who suffered you because you told them...
You told them you were someone

What's real about this story?
What's real about this picture?
there lies a dying sparrow
lying still with broken wings
till his eyes close to pass the night
and part the tears
he slips into a dream
see him fly o like an arrow
in the skies he rules as king
though he's never really left the ground
lord you should hear him sing

I can fly
o I can even touch the sun
chase me to the sun
run down his face, tears of a blind man
eyes that never seen the sun
waiting for the light of morning to come
to end this seemingly endless night
where is the light
I've never seen you
but I've seen your many faces
in my dreams

I have seen you
but I must fly away again

now dim his ears to silence
never heard a church bell ring
still his eyes are closed for evermore
still the chains are on his wings
lord hear him song
I'll cease to find the point in living
only if I cease to dream