ITT: i am a grumpy financial aid counselor

about 25k?

i'm not getting involved in refinancing stuff until i know the requirements for getting part of them paid back for teaching in urban areas. a guy i know did that and got fucked--couldn't use any aid payments.
josn unforunately i don't think you can re-consolidate unless you have new federal that weren't originally consolidated. :(

i talked with someone once who was screwed because he consolidated his loans back in the 90's at 9% and then last year the interest rate went down to 3.42% and there was no way he could get in on that.

i think I have a rate around 4% so I sholud be allright, I guess. as long as my rate doesn't go UP then I don't really care since I'm already budgeting for it.
ps. i should add that i am not keen on talking about my day job stuff on the board. haha

"everytime i think im out they drag me back in"
