ITT I am posting from Vancouver

Centrifugal is an out-dated term, its an imaginary force. It refers specifically to the reactionary force to the centripetal. Its the force felt by the person sminging the object that makes it feel like the thing they are swinging is pulling back. Go back to english class.
I thought centrifugal force was when you get thrown off a playground spinnie, and centripetal force was the opposite and kept you stuck to the earth when it spins.

I seem to remember asking the minx for an explanation of centripetal force some time ago and the consensus was that it was mysterious and not understood.
but "the rooms that spin", "swinging buckets in circles", and azal's wallet sticking to the inside of a spinning hamster sphere are all centriFUGal, right?

i don't understand forces at all, keep in mind.
don't worry about it young alex. all that matter is that manpurses are the suck.

I need to buy a case for my phone so it doesn't get fucked up in my pocket. I'm never wearing that thing on my belt, nomatter how small they make it. belts are for keys.
ok you guys are sorta safe with the aviators but no mustaches or you'll either (a) explode from irony or (b) start feeling kids up
look i carry a manbag everywhere i go and ain't nothing wrong with it.
