ITT I am posting from Vancouver

yeah, but I won't take advantage of it. I'd rather just type type type on my laptop. and console my poor wife who's trapped back at home with her mother.
Well Vancouver is NOT the cheapest place but 7$ for a pint is somewhat the norm in Irish pubs and the sort around here. I never pay that kind of money though, find a microbrewerie and you should have a pint for around 5$. Yes we tip, 15%. I never have more than three bucks worth of change in my pockets, I transfer elsewhere if needed. I'd rather have that kind of change than a wallet full of 1s...
i always supported the adoption of coin money in order to move us toward a system of having money bags and pouches again, but i think it's totally unworkable when we primarily rely on "pockets".
A coin purse makes sense, a small bag of coins that hangs from or is tied to the belt- it makes perfect sense. Well, if you want a symbolic sack to go with your cod piece.
