ITT People going to Candlemass NYC

many.. MANY pictures will be taken.

Still debating whether or not to get off my lazy ass, and spend money (that is already in a very short supply) to go... Are tickets still available?
Metal head87 said:
How could anyone have difficulty navigating the city?
I didn't think it was possible for a long time, but I was once given a ride home by my friend's parents. For some unknown reason they insisted on picking us up from Nokia Theater after Symphony X. Now, we all live in Queens (either Flushing or Bayside) and they had difficulty locating Northern Boulevard when they drove us back. Since then it's hard for me to be surprised by people's lack of navigational sense.
How could anyone have difficulty navigating the city?

Perhaps an individual who did not grow up in the concrete jungle? I mean, with the advent of MapQuest, it's hard to imagine someone getting lost if they look at directions and a map of where they're going, but if you're in a massive city for the first time, of course you run the risk of getting disoriented.
I grew in the concrete jungle and still have no idea how to get places.

I have the worst navigational sense in the world. Liverslapper's been here less than a year and he can navigate Houston better than I can.
I grew in the concrete jungle and still have no idea how to get places.

I have the worst navigational sense in the world. Liverslapper's been here less than a year and he can navigate Houston better than I can.

I feel you. Haha. I didn't grow up in the city. Hardly ever spent time there. It's strange, I guess I have a good sense of direction, I just have a horrible sense of the subways.