ITT: Ranch Style Beans Shrine


Squid pro quo
Apr 5, 2002



yeah they burn so much goin' down now, and THEY SURE WILL BURN ON THE WAY BACK OUT

I assume mexicans have evolved a highly callused anus in order to avoid the wretchedly delightful agony
* I am The Great Cornholio. I need TP for my Bunghole.
* Are you threatening me?
* Bungholio
* There will be more bungholes after me.
* You cannot run from your own bunghole.
* I need Crappuccino for my bunghole.
* You do not want to face the wrath of my bunghole.
* You have awaken my bunghole and now you must pay - The streets will flow with the blood of the unbelievers
* I am Cornholio. My bunghole will speak now.
* Trick or treat son-of-a-bitch.
* You do not want to face the wrath of my bunghole.
* I come here to bring your people TP.
* Do you have any TP? TP for my bunghole?
* You can take me, but you will never take my bunghole. For I am the great Cornholio. I have no bunghole.
* I come here to bring your people TP.
* Would you like to see my portfolio? I have a portfolio in my bunghole - with my olio.

Butt-head: Beware the long arm of Butt-head.
Beavis: Beware the long wiener of Beavis.

holy shit i never saw that one ahahhahahaha wow
(watching a Kiss video)
Butt-head: These guys are pretty cool for a bunch of mimes.

Last week I made burritos out of 2 cups rice, 2 cans of ranch style beans, 1 can chili beans, 1 can Rotel, with some cheddar cheese in flour tortillas.

It was actually pretty good and lasted a long time.
Chromatose said:
yeah they burn so much goin' down now, and THEY SURE WILL BURN ON THE WAY BACK OUT

I assume mexicans have evolved a highly callused anus in order to avoid the wretchedly delightful agony

Your thread now gives a whole new meaning to your sig picture.
in other news, listening to Ozzy Osbourne covering 21st Century Schizoid Man makes me want to crap those beans right now ALL OVER HIS FACE
Chromatose said:
in other news, listening to Ozzy Osbourne covering 21st Century Schizoid Man makes me want to crap those beans right now ALL OVER HIS FACE
news like that makes me want to PUNCH JESUS.

i saw pygmy love circus open for KC once, the ended with 21st century schizoid man, and it was true to form and quite amazing.
Dude, I NEED some of those beans...why have i not ever had any? Are they not a new england treat? I have an itch...and the only more Ranch Style Beans.
man I dunno, they're all over the place in Texas, which is where I got hooked, but when I came back to Maryland, I really started craving them bad, but the thing is I've never seen them ANYWHERE... but then one day I was right across the border in Virginia, at a SUPER TARGET and they have quite a supply of them most of the time.

I really have my doubts about them being any further north than that.