ITT we have 2:30AM chats with NAD

dorian gray said:
boobs are actually pretty boring. i understand the visual appeal but not the physical. and dont argue or make fun of me. ive had sex like 1,000,000 times more than any of you. except gugs of course.

Prove it! :loco:
lurch70 said:
one word ... MADOX! :loco:
buh? i dun't get it. maybe i'm slow today.

boobs are still fucking awesome and i've scored like 24395729857 times. i like to grab onto one and watch the other bounce during the plowing. also they make a fine receptacle for finalization fluids.
ITT i make fun of one of my friends i saw last night:

started dating some chick in April of this year, she got pregnant in May. now they live with his parents and apparently argue all the time. he's going pretty bald and refuses to pay for lamaze classes because "they cost $55 a class, fuck that shit!" haha.
once I was NAD said:
boobs are still fucking awesome and i've scored like 24395729857 times. i like to grab onto one and watch the other bounce during the plowing. also they make a fine receptacle for finalization fluids.
hahaha, apparently i grossly overestimated my personal plowage numbers.

also, pulling out is so unfulfilling. i dont know how people do it. id rather just jerk off
@nad ... adoption, Jolie ... :lol:

@dorian ... boobs rule, espeacially some perky smaller ones ... yummy ... fuck, just got a hard on

plotting the Hawaiian islands on ze womanz brestsss ... nice :kickass:
yeah nutting inside feels pretty awesome, but i'm paranoid about pregnancy and have had condoms break on me. plus i just like to see a girl covered in my little nads, gives me a sense of accomplishment. :loco:
once I was NAD said:
yeah nutting inside feels pretty awesome, but i'm paranoid about pregnancy and have had condoms break on me. plus i just like to see a girl covered in my little nads, gives me a sense of accomplishment. :loco:
try having sex in a committed relationship with someone who practices serious control - like maybe some oral contraceptives. screw condoms man
condoms do suck ... oral contraceptives rule, but i'd like to see the chick personally take them daily ... still don't trust them with that shit.
lurch70 said:
condoms do suck ... oral contraceptives rule, but i'd like to see the chick personally take them daily ... still don't trust them with that shit.
hahahahaha! thats awesome

i saw the seinfeld episode where george says, "condoms are for single guys" and stopped using them based on that. like two weeks later my wife was pregnant. :wave:

i still completely agree with george but i wish the wife wouldve been taking something. i think ive convinced her to get an IUD when we are able to resume ...uhhhhh... activity
i don't like shit that fucks with a woman's personality or physical well-being, my current-past-ex-but-not chick was on and off several different kinds of birth control and i remember at least one really screwed her up in the head, it totally sucked.

so we just went back to pulling out and praying once a month. :loco:
heheh its actually more difficult to get pregnant than one might think. but why risk it you know? took some of our friends like a million tries. took us once or twice. you never know.

@hormones. yep. some people suffer temporary blindness. no shit. ive also seen young women in the ICU die from a blood clot in their brain from using oral contraceptives. they probably also smoked a pack a day but who knows? point it, shit is just not good for you. but either is drinking, smoking, eating, etc etc etc

edit: oral hormones and smoking are completely contraindicated. unless you want to die. thats why i said that about smoking.
if there was a birth control pill for dudes, i'd totally take it. i mean, if/when i start scoring regularly again of course. :Spin: and yeah, once i have a rugrat or two, i'll get snipped.

we only ever had one real scare, it had been like 6 weeks and she hadn't gotten her Cousin Charlie. we didn't discuss it really, just one day when watching TV or something i said "so ummmm... you gonna go to the doctor soon?" "yeah, i have an appointment tomorrow." "ahh." "yes." turned out okay, so i think we went out, got loaded, and had unprotected sex to celebrate.
dudes. you dont wanna have surgery. thats crazy.
its not even the most effective method. aside from celibacy (hahahaha) theres the mircette IUD. try and get your chicks to get one. id like to hear the results.