NAD needs a hate thread.

Erik said:
Computer programming is actually highly rewarding -- but for me, only when I program something I really want to do myself, otherwise I can't bring myself to do it and it becomes intensely boring. This is what led me to decide that I wouldn't -- as I had planned earlier -- become a computer programmer. Sure, I'd take a temporary programming job if I could find someone who wanted me, but it's ultimately not what I want to do with my life.

AMEN! Totally agree! That's what really led me to think, I'd rather pursue music than be poor and happy.

Got my first University audition Saturday WIPPPEEEE!

Oh and on the topic of long hair, I do it because it looks really fucking cool, I'm tall and skinny, and with short hair, I just look like a dweeb, although long hair is EXTREMELY inconvinient it still gets the ladies looking......sort of,:cry:
Not that I need to *prove* myself to anyone here (several of you know me anyway), but I just wanted to step in again to discuss the looking/acting/being metal thing.

Metal is an attitude, not a uniform. It's a way of looking at things, a way of applying your underdog demeanor to everyday life. Metalheads are used to adversity, they're used to trekking to gigs, they're used to dealing with derision and laughter at the perceived lack of "seriousness" of their favorite style of music.

That said, I'm fucking metal through & through. Just because I wear a suit & tie half the time (I work in sales for a multi-million-dollar company, after all) doesn't mean Moonsorrow isn't on my iPod while I chainsmoke my way from sales call to sales call. :cool:

Oh yeah, I'm 32 now too, and I've been a metalhead for a long fucking time. Though I do listen to all different sorts of music, from rap to jamband-type stuff, to modern indie rock to the classics. All the better to be able to insult you and why your band sucks. :grin:
Erik said:
Re: how people dress at gigs, I think it should work like this: either you dress like a heavy metal maniac ALL of the time, including gigs, or you dress like a regular wimp (á la henrikmain) ALL of the time; people that look like normal wimps except when on metal gigs, when they pull out their "metal clothes" from the innermost part of their wardrobe are FALSES and they SHOULD NOT ENTRY

With reservations for some people stuck in shitty jobs

I really own nothing but band shirts and jeans. I save my patched-up vest for concerts just because I'm sick of talking to people about it when I wear it on a regular basis; also it makes my arms look freakishly skinny. But apart from that, all thrashfuckinterror, all the time.
Erik said:
Hey you live in Canada, you should get the same advantage that we Swedes do -- no need to wear a cap to warm yer ears in winter :)

But it freezes, and I don't have time to blow dry it. Doesn't yours?
Marksveld said:
Hey, it helps in New England too!

true that.

the swedes definitly DEFINITLY underestimate new england winters.

Yeah I'll totally have to agree to that, we can get some fucking harsh winters over here. I vividly recall experiencing a -20 (or something) storm in New Hampshire. Now I know it can get retardedly colder than that out in Scandanavia, but it was cold enough for me. Tully.. where do you live?
Hey California gets nasty winters too! :loco: Well no we don't, but the desert gets a lot of snow most years which I bet nobody knows (including most California residents) unless they live there.

My dad has a picture of this past winter I need to post on here, it fuckin' rocks. Just outside Joshua Tree covered in about 10 inches of snow. UNRULY.
No idea man, I'm still a junior but the time is obviously rapidly approaching. I want to stay in New England or go to Canada. I go to Boston sometimes anyway because I fucking love it. I'll keep you posted!

Which school are you at?
just transfered from Fullsail in florida (game design school) to t3h Berkl33 college of roxoring

EDIT: not there now, just working in boston now, start may 18
woooo! hell yea! =) Plus drinking at all 29384729837598273598273598273 other colleges in the same area, wooo! check out the summer programs, im dead serious matey, you should do 5 week summer performance program, its killlller. Wasted every night partyin and jamming + learn about music every day.
DUDE WTF. Everyone and their dog has gone to Fullsail now. Seriously, I know 4 people just offhand that have gone there and I think several others. I guess it must be a good school if everyones going there.
yea it is, i just suck at physics + calculous, haha. Its a killer school though you learn so fucking much its rediculous...but thats cuz your in school 6 days a week, 8 hours a day =P with the weiredest hours possible. ie: my last month there i had classes sun-fri, 5pm - 1am.

needless to say i decided playing my geetar whilst drinking beer with my mates beat studdying math for that long every day =)