NAD needs a hate thread.

I've gave up my computer dork days when I realized that writing code was the single most self-defeating task known to man, other than consuming your own toenails for nutritution of course.

Being a computer science major my first year of college almost killed that wonderful experience. *shudder*
[rant] I don't need to put on a damn uniform to prove that I'm into a specific genre of music. Some people obviously have called me a poseur and told me that I compromise, but I have to wonder, who's the one that compromises? I wear the clothes I want and have my hair the way I want to. That's not compromising. I've been to a fair share of metal gigs lately, and the rule of thumb is that only 15-20 out of a crowd of 2500 people DO NOT wear leather jackets with patches, have long hair, tight jeans etc. Everyone's uniformed, almost everyone is identical. I don't doubt that most of those actually wear the clothes because they think such clothing is cool, and I respect that. However, I also know that quite a few wear the metal uniform mainly because they feel they have to, in order to avoid being picked on by narrow minded "old-skool" idiots. Some people also think that image is as important as the music. Sad.

Bottom line - I wear whatever I want, it's none of your business. The music is the only thing that's important. I couldn't care less about the image.[/rant]
Computer programming is actually highly rewarding -- but for me, only when I program something I really want to do myself, otherwise I can't bring myself to do it and it becomes intensely boring. This is what led me to decide that I wouldn't -- as I had planned earlier -- become a computer programmer. Sure, I'd take a temporary programming job if I could find someone who wanted me, but it's ultimately not what I want to do with my life.
I've been to a fair share of metal gigs lately, and the rule of thumb is that only 15-20 out of a crowd of 2500 people DO NOT wear leather jackets with patches, have long hair, tight jeans etc.
Remove the "NOT" from the above and you'll have the situation in Sweden :erk:

Ultimately, if I say that you're all wimps and posers for not wearing denim and leather, it's slightly tongue in cheek, I don't really care and I'm sure you have a METAL HEART! METAL HEART! THEY SAW IT EVERYWHERE!!! anyway. What I WILL NOT take, however, is people claiming to be metal fans going "lol denim jackets with patches that's sooo gay HEY WAKE UP DUDE THE 80'S ARE OVER MODERN METAL FANS DON'T LOOK LIKE THAT" because that's intensely gay.
I am currently running a project to manage a systems divestiture from one billion dollar company [A] to another . We are archiving and deleting data from [A] from a system copy, thereby leaving all relevant data in . This is fucking complex because of all the intercompany transactions. We are using offshore folks in Ghina, the users are in Belgium, and the project is in the USA. I'm working around the clock.

All this while listening to the new Bruce Dickinson and Nile albums loud on my headphones while the other 'execs' talk about playing golf on the weekend and going to a wine bar. :kickass:
Erik said:
Remove the "NOT" from the above and you'll have the situation in Sweden :erk:

That's pretty strange, I thought Norway and Sweden were pretty similar regarding "metalhead density" at gigs. I may have exaggerated a bit, but there was an insane amount of old-skoolers w/long hair and the works at the metal gigs I recently went to. And, of course, Dimmu/Cradle-teens with long hair, mascara, black skirts etc.

Erik said:
Ultimately, if I say that you're all wimps and posers for not wearing denim and leather, it's slightly tongue in cheek, I don't really care and I'm sure you have a METAL HEART! METAL HEART! THEY SAW IT EVERYWHERE!!! anyway. What I WILL NOT take, however, is people claiming to be metal fans going "lol denim jackets with patches that's sooo gay HEY WAKE UP DUDE THE 80'S ARE OVER MODERN METAL FANS DON'T LOOK LIKE THAT" because that's intensely gay.

Fair enough, and agreed. Wear whatever you like, as long as you like what you wear.
Re: how people dress at gigs, I think it should work like this: either you dress like a heavy metal maniac ALL of the time, including gigs, or you dress like a regular wimp (á la henrikmain) ALL of the time; people that look like normal wimps except when on metal gigs, when they pull out their "metal clothes" from the innermost part of their wardrobe are FALSES and they SHOULD NOT ENTRY

With reservations for some people stuck in shitty jobs
Erik said:
Re: how people dress at gigs, I think it should work like this: either you dress like a heavy metal maniac ALL of the time, including gigs, or you dress like a regular wimp (á la henrikmain) ALL of the time; people that look like normal wimps except when on metal gigs, when they pull out their "metal clothes" from the innermost part of their wardrobe are FALSES and they SHOULD NOT ENTRY

*sets laser sight*
*safety off*

With reservations for some people stuck in shitty jobs

*saftey on*
*backs off into the night*
I only make sure to dress metal at non-metal shows (I use this as a sign to my metal brethren that also dig gay shit like me), concerning metal shows sometimes I'm in black leather, sometimes not.
Henrik Main said:
I've been to a fair share of metal gigs lately, and the rule of thumb is that only 15-20 out of a crowd of 2500 people DO NOT wear leather jackets with patches, have long hair, tight jeans etc. Everyone's uniformed, almost everyone is identical. I don't doubt that most of those actually wear the clothes because they think such clothing is cool, and I respect that. However, I also know that quite a few wear the metal uniform mainly because they feel they have to, in order to avoid being picked on by narrow minded "old-skool" idiots. Some people also think that image is as important as the music. Sad.

I'll bet this is only at large shows where big, well-known bands play? And how many of those 2500 people do you see walking the street each day afterwards?
you have to realize that wearing "the uniform" is actually a teenager thing more than anything else.
it's the pressure to "fit in" ... any one goes through it ... metalhead or not

it's if you are in your mid 20's and still stuck with that mentality ... that you need to check yourself before you wreck yoself :D