NAD needs a hate thread.

lurch70 said:
Also if you are past 21 and still wear that leather shit and have long hair, you better be in a semi succesful band or work in the business ... otherwise chances are you are either a gas station atendant or work in construction.
or work for Dept of Defense defending this nation against teh terrorzzz0orists.

13) Fat women with an eye patch should not be working in Burger King when they have to scrunch up their eye to read the order. EYE PATCHES ARE NOT METAL.
One Inch Man said:
5) Weed is much safer than alcohol. Fact. Reefer Madness was in the 1930's for fuck's sake, get over it.

People who smoke weed (like, actually smoke it, not people trying to defend their 'half a joint every fortnight') are tossers though. I know I can trust a drinker to pay me back a fiver I lend him, a stoner would just steal it and use it to buy more pot. Two-faced lying lazy bastards :loco:
While I'm at it, doesn't anyone else get annoyed with those pretentious skater stroner gromits who think they're so open-minded and knowledgable about every aspect of the world because they smoke weed and listen to drum'n'bass? Point out where the flaws in their arguments are and they fly into tantrums - "broaden your horizons!" "respect other peoples' opinions!". Bullshitters.

6) Traditional metal is cheesy as fuck and if you don't laugh constantly at it, you are a tool. This is why Slough Feg are so awesome, they know how goofy it is. Bands that don't fucking blow.

Why should you be obliged to laugh at something you enjoy? Go fuck yourself. Next you'll be saying that if you like cheese&chips you should laugh at it every time you have a's so cheesy after all :loco:

7) Bands are free to choose to do what they do with their own music. Metallica hasn't played thrash for many years, so what? Maybe after 294358729359 hours of playing it every night they got tired of it.

They may be free to choose to suck but that doesn't mean we should condone it :loco:

This is fun :)
One Inch Man said:
2) Black metal is the most pretentious music form since modern jazz, if not more so. Oooh look at us, so mysterious and serious. It's like a fucking comic book, with mostly shitty music and zero sense of humoUr, finally hitting it's peak of ridiculousness with this interview. Even the stuff I like is so hackneyed I have to be in a certain mood to enjoy it.

This is obviously not the right place to start a great discussion and all that comes with it, but why do you think it's so horrible that some people are earnest about what they do? That someone has a serious outlook on what he is doing and creating is something I appreciate, and what constitutes greater forms of music. I think the world needs more idealists who really belive in something and are not simply doing everything in a half-hearted and laid-back manner and always choosing the line of least resistance which seems to be norm today.

Of course, most black metal bands are nothing but obtuse clowns, raving about evil this and satan that, in a hopelessly overcrowed scene that has become a parody of itself, but that's no reason to dismiss the entire genre and style of music; there are gems out there.

And secondly, what's so bad about having pretensions? e.g. to really try to create something above the ordinary; when you aim high the fall is long but it would be retarded and plebeian not to try.

Now, let's see where this takes us :grin:
I didn't really understand the black metal comment either, but I'm hardly the best person to respond. Sure, there are corny black metal bands, but when I listen to bands like Helheim, I hardly get an air of pretension. What wrong with having pride in your ancestry and heritage like they do?

Hell, even Graveland's music is very serious, about all that Pagan lands stolen by Christians, Immortal pride in heritage an ancient gods stuff. I'm sure he, and many black emtal bands take that stuff extremely seriously. That Darken dresses up like a moron is beside the point.
J. said:
Hell, even Graveland's music is very serious, about all that Pagan lands stolen by Christians.
maybe they should have heartburn about their ancestors who converted to Christianity and therefore sold out.

J. said:
Immortal pride in heritage an ancient gods stuff.
if people truly knew anything about their ancient gods that would be one thing. and if you want to worship trees and bugs and shit, by all means, adopt an animistic outlook. but most people know nothing about truly ancient gods (and I'm talking pre Odin type stuff), because nothing was written down. Before there was the pantheon of Valhalla (I know, mixed metaphor) there were undoubtedly different Gods who proceeded those...the study of Egyptian religion is rife with different pharoahs putting new emphasis on their personal favorite beliefs, so that "religion" as a blanket was a constantly changing tapestry of beliefs and emphasis.

I really don't see how bleating about one god is any different than babbling about another. if one is pretentious or pushy, as so many seem to view christianity, how is the other any different?
lizard said:
if people truly knew anything about their ancient gods that would be one thing. and if you want to worship trees and bugs and shit, by all means, adopt an animistic outlook. but most people know nothing about truly ancient gods (and I'm talking pre Odin type stuff), because nothing was written down. Before there was the pantheon of Valhalla (I know, mixed metaphor) there were undoubtedly different Gods who proceeded those...the study of Egyptian religion is rife with different pharoahs putting new emphasis on their personal favorite beliefs, so that "religion" as a blanket was a constantly changing tapestry of beliefs and emphasis.

Yes there were gods before the classic paganism of Germany etc, so? What makes the older faith (of which we know extremly little) "better"? The whole point about 'paganism' as I see it, It's not just a belief in a certain god but a way to form a link of sorts with the history of your ancestors, and that's pretty hard to do with a people of which none knows much or anything.

And besides most people see the gods of the old norse/german pantheon as representations of forces and parts of nature, so in essence, since the fate pre-dating it was most certainly animist/pantheistic, they are worshipping the same "gods"; it's not the petty little facts and names that are important when it comes to cults, it's the acts and ideas.

lizard said:
I really don't see how bleating about one god is any different than babbling about another. if one is pretentious or pushy, as so many seem to view christianity, how is the other any different?

In short: it's not the religion in it self, but what it stands for
lizard said:
I really don't see how bleating about one god is any different than babbling about another. if one is pretentious or pushy, as so many seem to view christianity, how is the other any different?
Christianity brought alien morals and ideals to us and near enough eliminated the mindset of old. It's not the resurrection of the old Gods but the Nordic way of thinking that is in focus, at least for me. I hope I put that well.
lizard said:
maybe they should have heartburn about their ancestors who converted to Christianity and therefore sold out.
You might out too with a knife to your throat :)

(Yes, there were a whole bunch of people who converted willingly to Christianity... I don't believe they actually understood the consequences though, sort of like people today who vote "yes" to the EU but will whine when we're a huge state at global thermonuclear war with the USA in 14 years)
Erik said:
You might out too with a knife to your throat :)

(Yes, there were a whole bunch of people who converted willingly to Christianity... I don't believe they actually understood the consequences though, sort of like people today who vote "yes" to the EU but will whine when we're a huge state at global thermonuclear war with the USA in 14 years)

I heard that the first English king to convert to xtianity did so because it would've been politically convenient, seeing as we were trading with the Byzantines back in the day. I hope I can find the time to reread that book (Monarchy) sometime soon, twas fucking class...
Demilich said:
This is the coolest thread i've seen on here in a while! Go non-metal-dressing metalheads (like me)!

Amen...I'll never understand why some metalheads have to wear the uniform 24/7, if being a walking billboard is part of the metal lifestyle (which to me consists simply of enjoying and actively supporting the music and having a good time at shows, what more do you really need to prove yourself?) then leave me out. I have to agree about black metal being as pretentious as any supposed crimes of the prog movement, but I'm more accepting of it as I'm inclined to support anyone who rails against stagnation, even if their artistry is a bit questionable.
Amen...I'll never understand why some metalheads have to wear the uniform 24/7
Because we own no other clothes? My only jackets are my leather jacket with plenty o' buttons and my denim jacket with plenty o' patches, and my army boots are my only shoes, 90% of my T-shirts are metal shirts and the rest are one-coloured black, etc... I couldn't look like a wimp even if I tried
16) All religious beliefs are equally as gay as the next, don't treat any as fact and you'll be just fine.

Anyfuck, concerning the pretentiousness of black metal, one can't argue that as a whole, it takes itself extremely seriously. That's fine, I didn't say there was anything necessarily wrong with that. Rob Darken is an idiot but his music kicks ass so that is all that matters. The only reason I bring up this argument is because I've seen many black metal fans label stuff like The Mars Volta as pretentious, like that is the deciding issue that keeps them from listening to it. Pot calling the kettle black syndrome (oh and the fact that I don't understand how TMV's music itself is pretentious, in what, their riff structure? :guh: ).
I don't know of any Metalheads who wear denim & leather & studz & spikez while they're asleep or in the shower...