Thread for Nad...


Oct 30, 2001
because i don't trust my memory and will probably forget this by tomorrow.

NAD, the band is Black Lamb and they play stoner rock/metal whatever. It's all metal to me fuck subgenres. Anyway yea i'll slap a few quotes here as well.


If you're into Unida and/or The Cult then you gotta check these guys out! Black Lamb is definitely along those lines but with a slightly slower tempo and bluesier edge! High quality stuff!

It’s apparent from the first track, “Highland,” that if anyone’s going to pick up the slack from Unida it would be Black Lamb. Energy's bursting out of the eight songs on Hang the Moon. And Brian Hagman’s vocals boom over everything. This is some heavy blues rock.

With a bit of The Cult meets AC/DC tossed in with the denseness of Black Sabbath and Blue Cheer, these men slam down memorable riffs, gargantuan balls and full-throttle intensity to claim their rightful take in the true spirit of rock.

Edit: blah
Chromatose said:
oh nice, that's pretty good, definitely has that Cult vibe

I may not be NAD, but i appreciate the info anyway :p
heh well it's not for Nad only (and yea i did forget about PMing him so it's a good thing i made this thread), but for anyone who might be interested. :D Apparently Nad hasn't been on yet though and noone else cared so it's cool at least one person found Black Lamb interesting :p
Fuckin A right man, this shit rocks. I'll have to pick these dudes up, and I should prob ably get Fireball Ministry while I'm at it. :headbang:
Carbonized said:
It's all metal to me fuck subgenres.
Preach it!
hah i see you agree with my stance about genre and i figured you'd dig Black Lamb. The Cult + Unida + a pinch of Danzig = WINNER

Which Fireball Ministry album features the almighty Janis Tanaka? And yes, I did already check 'aint even listed!


I just checked bnrmetal....turns out Tanaka was on "The Second Great Awakening" and "FMEP". She was also in L7, go figure...

She even played session for Pink (yeah, the pop star) to help fund the August Engine.

She wears bullet belts. :D
JayKeeley said:
She even played session for Pink (yeah, the pop star) to help fund the August Engine.
Please stop with the factoids, I wanted her so bad to begin with, now I'm about to start stalking her.

I am the maelstrom's deafening song
The ether through which the fallen descend
I am the frightful dance of the flames
The pain of creation and violent end

:kickass: :hotjump: :loco: :yell: :ill: :worship: :headbang: :wave: o_O :cry: