NAD needs a hate thread.

Marksveld said:
Oh, and I actually like the show!

That's cause it kicks ass!

For the record: long hair is great, but the only black I wear is band shirts really, my black jeans are too tight, not comfortable at all.
I wear boots in winter cause it snows and my running shoes have huge holes in the front. Theyre comfortable as fuck though, so I have no intention of replacing them until the entire soles fall off... possibly not even then!
One Inch Man said:
1) Bruce Dickinson is fucking tone deaf.

You are nuts. Come on, tell me you hate his vibrato, tell me you hate his songwriting, tell me you think he's an ugly bastard because his eyes are too close together, but tone deaf? You do realize that's not him singing on Virtual XI right? :loco:

6) Traditional metal is cheesy as fuck and if you don't laugh constantly at it, you are a tool. This is why Slough Feg are so awesome, they know how goofy it is. Bands that don't fucking blow.

Do you think you would have fun drinking beer with Cobbet and Scalzi all night, just shooting the shit in some hole in the wall in downtown San Fran? :cool:

Berating a band you've never heard makes you a complete and total fucktard.

Well, d'uh! :tickled:

Fight > Judas Priest

Fuck. Off. Now.

11) Markgugs is a bumlicker.

Where's that dog cartoon? :loco:

12) The 1990's was a great decade for metal, regardless of how much crap was around because there was just as much crap in the 1980's as well.

Yeah, 'tis true. Here's the thing about the 90's though -- you can get everything on the web. Whether it be new, old, used, or rare, you can get it somehow. This means you see all the great stuff mixed in with the shit (see: RC promo catalog). :loco: In the 70's and 80's, you were strictly buying based on recommendations or reviews, or some radio airplay, so you were more selective. You just weren't exposed to as much shit.
When he's not doing the vibrato, I'm cool with him. I think it's too wide, like a flanger with the dials turned too much. Oh and the whole missing every 3rd note aspect. :loco:
One Inch Man said:
When he's not doing the vibrato, I'm cool with him. I think it's too wide, like a flanger with the dials turned too much. Oh and the whole missing every 3rd note aspect. :loco:

Just think of James LaBrie on the Live Scenes From New York dvd and you'll be in heaven with Bruce!
Marksveld said:
I wear boots and black shirts, but that's about it.

+ you have long hair = thats the "metal uniform"

ITS NOT THAT FAR FETCHED to live the lifestyle + lead a "normal adult life"...not that i really want to, but it is very very doable.

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