ITT we post cool videos from

The fight in the video was so lame. They stood there skating around, then one guy threw* a punch and then they held onto each other trying not to fall down, then one dude happens to get knocked out. It's a lame fight on ice skates, and you get a time out after the fight. Just fucking stupid.

Fights in video games are cool though.

Black Sabbath with Halford on vocals doing Heaven & Hell at Costa Mesa California in '92

Such an awesome song!

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Hear n aid - Stars (1986)

Very cool song created to raise money for the hungry in Africa. Even Jerry would have contributed.

Check out Yngwie Malmsteen playing circles around the other guitarists.

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Metallica - Disposable Heroes, live before Puppets was even released.

God damn what a monster of a riff that anchors this song.

you know, watching that Disposable Heroes clip it made me realize that while it was still a brutal song, how different it was from Kill and Ride material.
I don't think the word tr00 existed back then, but it must have been very weird to hear it out of the complete MOP context on the Ride tour ... it makes me wonder why we gave so much slack to Metallica for changing their style from record to record.
ok, close the thread. D666 with Nemtheanga :kickass: X a bunch of bailouts

those of you going to MDF save your energy for D666, they are going to rip your head off.
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