ITT we post cool videos from

that's NYHC you dillweed ... beginning to appreciate it more than back in the days.

I can't stand anything with the suffix -core attached to it. I really loathe anything that's a scene too. As in, "man, the punk scene is too hard core for you!"
These guys are garage bands, nothing more. No offense intended towards your listening tastes, of course.

tomorrow's video selection .... Debbie Gibson / Tiffany / Dead or Alive

for dorian and Jerry :loco:
some dirty gypsy filming the parking lot of a hotel at the Black Sea in Romania ...

must be some drug dealer convention in town as those cars are worth more than Romania's GNP ... and since when are there palm trees in Transilvania???

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The Carrera GT was by far the most impressive car there. The rest of it looked like the physician's parking lot at my hospital. Only thing missing was my dirty Ranger backed in to a space. :loco:
I want to flog this cunt.

70,000 Subscribers, videos with 4mil hits, all of her staring in to a camera like a fucking fool!
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wtf ... do i have to pass this onto someone now Jerry? will I get a creepy phonecall if I don't? :loco:
Iraq's first Death Metal band covering Death's The Philosoper ... cool shit :kickass:

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