ITT we post cool videos from


A friend went to Bonnaroo this year and said Metallica were great - played almost all 80s stuff
I watched some of the tallica set streaming... lars had problems keeping up, but the rest of the band was top notch. I may actually go see them if they tour for the new CD.

HAHAHAHAHA I was reading "hmmm...'loud exhaust'" while the video was starting and I about fell out of my chair.
Easily one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen/heard

edit: hahahahahahahaha how do you even drive something like that?
They attract the oddest crowds... think it has something to do with the punk elements present in the music or something. I don't get why they're so fucking popular... Great music, but what sets them aside from the rest of the black metal scene besides the fact that they don't dress up?

Are they like the Green Day of black metal? Happy crappy frat-boy BM? :lol:

I can't stand "survivalist" types. No group is more easily stereotyped except for maybe NASCAR fans.
Further, I think your odds of winning a hundred million dollars in a lottery are much better than being involved in an "urban situation"
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Oh man, I havent seen (or heard) this since 1994 and I found I could remember every note. Mustve left an impression. "Albatross" was good too.
What happened to these guys?
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continuing the Christy theme from the other thread ..

LOL ... this is why I got so good at drums as I did not have distractions, like vagina

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haha can't believe somebody posted this. our worst show ever, the only one we played without bass, completely fucking blew it. funny to watch after you understand we'd each drunk a couple 40s of steel reserve. i'm not even moving i'm concentrating so hard on not losing it :lol:v
all I can say is, I hope he flies off that cliff (alone in the car) and dies, before he hits somebody on the other side of one of those blind crests.
that's from the Newfoundland Targa ... closed course. Lots of Mini's every year too.
awesome roads :kickass: