ITT we post cool videos from

Last year when I was at the movie festival I've seen this short video, that really impressed me. I've been looking for it for a long time, and finally found it today. It's cropped from the start but the main idea is saved. In the begining - like 5-6 men are sitting in the room and being invited to the office one by one... None of them understands how they got into this room, and when there are finally only 2 of them left - the main character tells his story to the other guy.

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But nah, it's an Urban Outiftter

proof that nobody can just say "Slayer" in a normal way :lol:

wait for last 10 seconds
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these fuckers just released a great new disc, Invaders Must Die ... been a fan since Fat of the Land came out while I was in London and Firestarter was basically the national anthem there that entire summer

I like The Prodigy. But I'm glad kinda my family was too poor for cable (and thus MTV) from 1995 to 2007. This shit almost ruins the song for me, he moves like LRD! :lol:

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You mean he moves in reverse?

I hated that video/song when it came out and I hate it still.
Why does that guy remind of someone who might be on the Young Ones?