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i don't think Artie is clean either ... what's his thing again? what's the demon he can't get over?

Herion... and pretty much anything else. I can't wait till that fat fuck dies. How he's made it this far is a fucking miracle (of medicine).

Not that I don't find him funny. He was on Joe Buck Live on HBO the other night and was definitely the only highlight of the show (unless you think more talk of/from Brett Favre about possibly coming out of retirement AGAIN a highlight).
i don't think Artie is clean either ... what's his thing again? what's the demon he can't get over?

I don't know if this is his "demon", but his pops fell 30feet off a ladder while installing an antenna, rendering him a paraplegic. He's been doing heroine/coke ever since. Aurel, you ever see Beer League? That movie is funny as fuck.

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Gotta give him some credit though, that was one hell of a swat.
What's funny is that she thought 3 stars above the eye would look appealing and not decrease her chances in the business world. "I'm expressing myself." No bitch, the artist is expressing himself, you're just a billboard for his expression.
I tried to bump the Ares Kingdom thread, but it's in the reviews, which means I can't bump it.

Anyways, I fucking love Return to Dust. It's been kicking my ass the past few days.

I'm sure the new one is going to fucking rule:

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Agreed! Looking forward to it.

It's funny, I found Return to Dust bland when I first heard it (which wasn't too long ago in fact). I'm glad I didin't discount it, and after a few more listens I really dug it. Such a good album.

1) that doesnt look like Katy Perry
2) that power metal is so gay
3) I'd give anything to be able to play like that
what in thell is *this*? I like this girl's voice though...

Gotta give him some credit though, that was one hell of a swat.

Norfolk-based group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals wants the flyswatter-in-chief to try taking a more humane attitude the next time he's bedeviled by a fly in the White House.

PETA is sending President Barack Obama a Katcha Bug Humane Bug Catcher, a device that allows users to trap a house fly and then release it outside.

"We support compassion even for the most curious, smallest and least sympathetic animals," PETA spokesman Bruce Friedrich said Wednesday. "We believe that people, where they can be compassionate, should be, for all animals."

During an interview for CNBC at the White House on Tuesday, a fly intruded on Obama's conversation with correspondent John Harwood.

"Get out of here," the president told the pesky insect. When it didn't, he waited for the fly to settle, put his hand up and then smacked it dead.

"Now, where were we?" Obama asked Harwood. Then he added: "That was pretty impressive, wasn't it? I got the sucker."

Friedrich said that PETA was pleased with Obama's voting record in the Senate on behalf of animal rights and noted that he has been outspoken against animal abuses.

Still, "swatting a fly on TV indicates he's not perfect," Friedrich said, "and we're happy to say that we wish he hadn't."

Deputy press secretary Josh Earnest said the White House has no comment on the matter.