ITT we post cool videos from

All feminine product advertisements should be more like this. Apparently the beaver is sort of a Kotex mascot in Australia. Awesome :p

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LOL @ Metallica trying to play Raining Blood

Imagine being a cop trying to catch that guy on foot.

Then imagine that cop being the fat black cop from Die Hard.


That is some serious "mad skillz".
Not a lot of people know this, or Listen with Nicko part XI. <= a reference for you Maiden aficioniados out there

On the "Somewhere on tour" Maiden used to have H and Davey play a solo duel called Walking on glass. Hope they put it on their next dvd.

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Portal - HP Lovecraft inspired insanity. :kickass:

I don't think they always wore costumes. At least, good ol' clockhead didin't have said clockhead.

I finally started listening to them based on that vid, saw it a few days ago. Largely ignored them before that o_O
i recently saw a photo of the GWAR members sans costumes and they were like geeky dads :loco:



I will say the violinist has some skill, but come on.... the pale guy identifying a few notes played on a keyboard? big fucking deal, I could do that after 1st year orchestra :yawn:
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