ITT we post cool videos from

The one about the Nissan GT-R was pretty funny.
Sucks that I can never watch that movie again though because of these things
hahaha that Steel Panther video rules


Steel Panther (formerly known as Danger Kitty, Metal Shop and Metal Skool), is a Los Angeles, California Glam Metal band.

Originally formed as Metal Shop, they're known for their energetic live show, the longest running Heavy Metal show on the Sunset Strip . Onstage, the band both pays tribute to and lampoons the heyday of 80's glam metal. The band's between-song comedy includes jests at conflict between band members, discussions of drugs, sex, and improvised humor with the crowd.

But there's no better description of themselves other than made by themselves... :

I Started singing in kindergarten doing school plays. I also sang to my baby sitter so she would hug me and I could be next to her boobs. As a freshman I moved to L.A. with my mom cause she met this guy who sold drugs and produced a TV show in Hollywood. I Started my first band called "Free Beer"I had to change the name cause people always wanted to drink our beer that we had and that sucked. So I changed the name to "Black Panther," cause chicks dig cats and black cars. We played keg parties and school talent shows. We came in 10th place in the talent show and that's when the chicks started coming. Anyway, the keg parties were way cooler cause we got free beer all the time and we could get high on stage, plus we could steal food from the house we played and sleep there too. ( with chicks of course)

I was raised in the entertainment business. My mom was a waitress at one of the first Chuck E. Cheese's to be built in Fresno, Ca., and my Dad auditioned for the Gong Show twice. Also, my Grandma is from Switzerland, and apparently there is quite a long line of yodelers on her side of the family. I think yodeling is for dicks, but with all the talent in my family, it's really not surprising that I'm a shredding guitarist.

I'm Lexxi Foxxx. The extra "X" is for extra SEX! I like my name because Lexxi rhymes with sexy. And Foxxx rhymes with box, which is another name for a Vagina. Vaginas are cool becaue me and the guys stick our penises in them all the time. Michael says that if you put your penis in a dirty vagina, you can catch an SUV like herpes or The Clap. That one makes it burn when you pee. That can also happen if you masturbate with soap and it gets in your penis hole.

Some drummers hit. Some drummers tap. When it comes to drums and hash pipes, nobody hits that shit harder than me. The only tapping I'm doing is when I'm tapping some dirty bitch's ass in the dressing room. I was raised in Jersey by my grandmother. She lived through the great depression. It must've really left an impression on her, cause growing up she never let me leave the dinner table without finishing every scrap of food on my plate. It was always high carb stuff, too. This led to me being morbidly obese by the third grade. I once missed the opportunity to audition for Bon Jovi by being over the weight limit by 230 plus lbs.
Sagan is so fucking awesome. I'm just so surprised that so many people have not heard of him. Most people in my department looked at me like I'm crazy when I said it was Carl Sagan day last week!
Back in my high school astronomy class we'd watch episodes of Cosmos projected onto the planetarium ceiling/dome. It ruled.
hahaha retching never ceases to be long as it's not me doing it

also, wtf language are these guys speaking?