ITT we post cool videos from

Lol @ Guitar Hero
It's really, really sad that there are people who think they are genuinely good at something when they succeed at these stupid games

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Frank the Tank


Does anybody here actually think this is good? Fuck You! How the fuck do hacks like this stick around for 60 years?! Who in their right mind is listening to this man drawl on with specks of fixodent sputtering from his 3 syllables an hr aperture? I'm not being an ageist prick mind you, I just don't find this man to be talented in the least. Today, nor 60 yrs ago. It's like watching a senior citizen get down with his grandson's Rock Band!
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Jerry, have I ever told you I love you?
I can't even put into words how much I can't stand Tony Bennet and everything he symbolizes (talentless hacks that are somehow successful)

lol @ 3 syllable an hour aperture