ITT we post cool videos from

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This is cool.
Fucking any of them? AIM?

I need to hear some more of their music before I decide if I like them. We also need to hang out some time soon.
Fucking any of them? AIM?

I need to hear some more of their music before I decide if I like them. We also need to hang out some time soon.

I have Intelligent Design.

My aim is cara is pooping

In the meantime you can listen to some samples from all 3 albums here:

The first one that will play is "Centipede" from the new album. I *think* Brian wrote that one, before the Shaolin/Bat Castle breakup. I know he wrote one of the songs from the new album and I believe that's it.

this is metal. this right here: heavy metal music
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did you guys hear about this band ... Richard Christy founded with Ripper on vocals ... have no idea who else is in the band

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Very cool. Not so keen on the vox though. The vibrato gets tiresome. The guitar is badass.
so Steve Digiorgio is in the band, as well as some relatively unknown shredder.

Christy and Ripper are at some real dive bar as I type this signing this cd and hanging out in the city.