ITT: we read V for Vendetta

unmanned ish 1 was pretty good
looks like it could develop...

damn I need to read more comics
but it pisses me off not to finish the story, so i prefer graphics novels

edit: ps. superfuckers was pretty amusing too
unhinged said:
damn I need to read more comics
but it pisses me off not to finish the story, so i prefer graphics novels

Well, graphic novels/trade paperbacks are usually just collections of story arcs, like the Dark Night Returns and stuff. (With exceptions like V for Vendetta and stuff). So just jump in during the first issue of a story arc and you shuold be set, and then torrent the back issues to read during the month long comercial break. Just trying to encourage reading, haha! Don't listen to my rambling.

Instead, read this:

Six-issue miniseries, pretty-deep fightclub-esque stuff, but also "FUCK YEA THAT WAS BADDASS!" all over the place. Fuck, I gotta re-read it in fact. So baddass.

Damnit, the .rar won't yousendit for some reason. heres a few ish's.

ish 1:

ish 2:
Pyrus said:
Any of you guys read Transmetropolitan?
I read the first few TPBs, dug them quite a bit but didn't keep up with the series.

I should read some Alan Moore, I don't think I've read any of his stuff. Perhaps I'll download all this crap and start!
NADatar said:
I read the first few TPBs, dug them quite a bit but didn't keep up with the series.

I should read some Alan Moore, I don't think I've read any of his stuff. Perhaps I'll download all this crap and start!

Haha, V for Vendetta is the only Moore comic you'de be downloading here...unless I forget some shit I uploaded, haha.
Random Beard said:
post the other four fag

The other 4 what? Wanted? Thats two posts above your post.

EDIT: Or do you mean the in-between-stuff V for Vendetta stories that don't really count?
Y the Last Man ish 1:

Fucking amaaaazing comic, the premise might seem a bit weird at first but you gotta admit its pretty cool. Basic basic story is that all the men on earth mysteriously died in an instant, except one. Bump bump baaaaaaa. But it really is awsome.

Haha, this was pretty f'in awesome! Care to share a few more? I'm so curious if that blonde chick said yes... :)