ITT: we read V for Vendetta

Crimson Death said:
Please post more new Conan!

No problem, coming right up. (#00 doesn't even really count, #00 in comic book lingo = crappy prequel, or crapy preview.)

So this is the real deal!

Conan #01:

Conan #02:

Conan #03:

And another kickass comic:

Powers #1:

Powers #2:

Powers #3:
k i read v for vendetta yesterday and everybody needs to go read it now now now now now now now now


Actually I entirely agree, but this is the perfect thread for this owl.
Yousendingit Conans right now.

Some V related stuff:

Not only has Alan Moore dissasociated himself with the movie completely, but also all of his work released by DC (Watchman, V for Vendetta, etc.). He's told DC/WildStorm to not put his name on any of those products, and to give all his Royalties from V for Vendetta to Lloyd. Sheeesh I reall hope this movie doesn't suck as bad as Moore thinks it will, haha.
I was reading a short interview with alan moore a couple of days back
(had to skim it a bit because I was in the shop)
but the ist of it was he fucking hates every movie of his work
he's demanding his name be removed from anything based on his work and that his fee should be distributed among the artists working on the film (I presume he means the concept artists etc)
he thought that if he even refused the money that they'd maybe get the point.

he also said he only watched 10 minutes of from hell and turned it off in digust
unhinged said:
I was reading a short interview with alan moore a couple of days back
(had to skim it a bit because I was in the shop)
but the ist of it was he fucking hates every movie of his work
he's demanding his name be removed from anything based on his work and that his fee should be distributed among the artists working on the film (I presume he means the concept artists etc)
he thought that if he even refused the money that they'd maybe get the point.

he also said he only watched 10 minutes of from hell and turned it off in digust

Yea I read the same thing in this months Wizzard. Talk about not selling out, haha, but also being pretty nutty. League of Ex. Gent. I can DEFINITLY see how he'd be pissed though, the movie didn't capture the comic at alllll. Far to happy jolly fun time. For instance: In the comic, Mr Hyde rapes the invisible man to death, right in the bum! haha.

Also, if I had money right now I'de get this, maaaaammmaaa miaaaaaaa:

warning: they will be black and white, it wasn't color untill it was compiled into a Trade Paperback/GN.