ITT we share good, heart-warming stories.

here's one: i was driving down a busy road in a trashy city just a little while ago, when a bit of movement caught my eye.

this always happens to me and i always suspect the onset of dementia but as i slowed down for a stop light i saw it was real. a little grey field mouse w/ what looked like GIANT ears or some sort of misshapen head was trying to cross the road. she almost blended in w/ the road itself.

i pressed hard on the brakes and thought for sure i ran her over (couldn't slow down entirely or the guy behind might have hit me - which probably says bad things about my priorities right now)... but no... no, she survived.

i was happy, especially in that she doubled back and headed for the curb.

then almost got hit by another car coming in the opposite direction, but miraculously she stood still as it passed over her.

one more obstacle - a bicyclist coming her way didn't even come close. she was home free. phew.

the sad thing was, as i pulled away, she was running alongside the curb, because i think it was too high for her to get up on again. :( i'm a little worried.
march, 2000

I had borrowed my company car (a shitty early 90s Geo Metro which had a top speed of about 50mph; hey, we were a non-profit) for the weekend to "run some errands"; what I actually did was drive to DC with a girl from college who I only somewhat knew, to see some mutual friends attending Georgetown Law.

en route home, just past Baltimore, something fucked-up happened to the wheel. more serious than just a tire blowing. we limped to a service station and I was like "my company is gonna kill me". I didn't have money to pay outside any insurance (I was making $85/month).

we hung out for a couple of hours and finally a mechanic dude came up to us wiping his hands. he looked kind of like Billy Bob Thornton's character in "U-Turn", but maybe 25 or 27 years old. he told us he could fix it easily and we'd be out in an hour, and it wouldn't cost too much, etc.

then he said "What was that there tape you got playing?"

it was a blank tape I had recorded Disintegration onto so I could listen in the car. I said that and he was like "by who?". I told him The Cure and he said "never heard of 'em. but it's darn good."

I told him he could have the tape and he looked astounded and was all like you sure? he was really grateful and wiped off his glasses and stuff.

fixed the car and we headed out.
Back when I graduated High School a few years ago, I went on a road trip with some friends of mine. When I returned I found that my mother had gotten rid of my beloved couch! It was totally punk rock and awesome and had the coolest Motorhead patch sewed where I would rest my head whenever I fell asleep on it. I was absolutely devasted when I found it missing!

A few days I was browsing through a used furniture store with my girlfriend and we found the couch! It's now sitting in my frontroom back where it belongs.