ITT we talk about the new nintendo console


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
so... wii. this is basically the first time i've been excited about a video game system since back in the SNES days

i might even buy one!

the ps3 is going to crash and burn worse than a 757 on collision course with the pentagon, and the xbox360 is already a failure = NINTENDO SHALL RULE AGAIN LIKE 1995-2005 NEVER HAPPENED

the nintendo fanboy in me awakens from its 13 year slumber! i also want a nintendo ds because of the new mario 2d platformer + zelda + new mana game + yoshi's island 2 = god damn!
Is the first Yoshi's Island actually any good? I have never gotten around to playing it, I dont like the sight of Mario in diapers.

But yeah, its gonna rule. I like the fact that you will be able to play old games on it too (tror ja iallafall?) allthough Ive got the xbox for that now.
Is the first Yoshi's Island actually any good? I have never gotten around to playing it, I dont like the sight of Mario in diapers.
its absolutely AWESOME, if you get past the "childish" image it's an absolutely amazingly designed platformer that is 100% fun all the way through

But yeah, its gonna rule. I like the fact that you will be able to play old games on it too
selected NES, SNES, N64, Mega Drive and TurboGrafx games :kickass: though yeah, this is not the main reason that it's such a cool console
Johanna said:
Is the first Yoshi's Island actually any good? I have never gotten around to playing it, I dont like the sight of Mario in diapers.

yeah, like erik said, it rules once you get past the childish image.
It's just easier and smoother to say, "Lets go play Revolution", though I'll just call it Nintendo anyways.
I still don't know if I'll be getting a Wii. It looks interesting but they still don't know how they're going to be doing the old games (rental, prices, etc) and now that Sony has a motion controller as well (granted, it only detects tilting) I just don't know.

Nintendo claims they're actually going to have much better third party support this time around but we'll see. Then again they pissed off a good number of developers by forcing them to use certain aspects of the DS when creating games for it and they may do the same with the Wii. A lot of companies are loyal to Sony but more and more are just trying to do multiplatform releases. But Sony consoles are notoriously hard to make games for. As for first party games and exclusives, I'm more interested in Sony. I would have said Sony would have run away with this generation but they didn't have a great showing at E3 and between that and the price announcement, they've lost any momentum they had.

I guess I'll just wait and see how it all turns out before I decide to dish out a bunch of cash on one of these consoles.
I still don't know if I'll be getting a Wii. It looks interesting but they still don't know how they're going to be doing the old games (rental, prices, etc) and now that Sony has a motion controller as well (granted, it only detects tilting) I just don't know.
ps3: $600
wii: $250 (estimate)

that make it any clearer for you? the sony controller is gimmicky shite btw

Nintendo claims they're actually going to have much better third party support this time around but we'll see. Then again they pissed off a good number of developers by forcing them to use certain aspects of the DS when creating games for it and they may do the same with the Wii.
nintendo will have the greatest amount of games at launch, something like 19 launch titles, which is the biggest nintendo launch ever

i think it's safe to say that 3rd party developers will develop for any console that makes financial sense, and the wii will almost certainly come out either 1st or 2nd in this episode of Console Wars

i hope the ps3 will fail pretty miserably, and it's getting only negative press these days so yeah
Erik said:
but really umm who even cares with zsnes

well each time I start a saved Super Mario World game on my znes simulator I have only 5 lives regardless of how many I had gotten at the time of the last save. + a small Mario. This gets really annoying as you get far into the game.