ITT we talk about the new nintendo console

Erik said:
gamecube and n64 werent really their most brilliant systems, i'll give you that, but nearly every 1st party nintendo game is of some quality, and most of them pretty much rule
now we agree on something. N64 and gamecube were more kids oriented and therefore more boring. I also said "their problem is that they make crap games NOW", it doesn't matter if they made great games in the past, they need to make great games now or the console will still suck.
I watched some clips of the new smash bros. and even that looks fuckin' ace.

Who gives a shit about the "power" of the xbox360 and ps3! The Wii will have STYLE.

also, I always avoided playing Yoshi's island because it looked so childish, but I'll have to load it up on zsnes tonight.
Erik said:
ps3: $600
wii: $250 (estimate)

Certainly that put a damper on the chances of my getting a PS3 anytime near launch. However, I'm still leaning toward them unless they lose a lot of support. Hell, the only game at E3 this year that really excited me was Heavenly Sword so either way, I won't be getting a new console anytime soon so I'll just sit back and make a better informed decision later (probably early 2007).
Claws of Perdition said:
Sega > Nintendo

Sonic > Mario
there's a new sonic game coming for the nintendo wii
there will be a selection of sega genesis games playable through nintendo wii's download/emulation service

PLUS you get to play mario as well

now what do you have to say in your defence

I hope the wii is not all about the concept, otherwise : :ill: . And I don't think the quality of the PS3 will have something to do with sales at all. Sony = blind buy for trillions of people (most don't know shit about what they buy but that's another problem) . They are attracted by the more hi-tech image & stuff, these are the same people that say Nintendo is for children . I'm pretty sure some still believe that Microsoft don't know shit about consoles and so they won't ever buy a Xbox 360 (this is half true though, but Microsoft = $*+inf even more than Sony so they will eventually rule methinks)

The problem with Nintendo is that they're doomed to release Marios & Zeldas forever but eh Sony is even worse so del *.*
That's not a problem per se but since Super Nintendo the catalogue of real good games has shrank to the point where the only great ones ARE Mario & Zelda (I'm told there is a new one coming, the 'real' one) . So what I wanted to say is that Nintendo don't have many great non-nintendo games anymore. I don't know if it is because they know they will sell tons of Mario & Zelda and so they don't need to 'risk' (Pikmin was a good try though) . Sure Nintendo = Mario and Zelda but on N64 you got Goldeneye, Wave Race etc.. and I don't even mention SNES . I'm just being nostalgic I suppose (+ I don't really know the Game Cube tbh) . Let's hope the wii will not disappoint (like if I cared)
I want Starcraft 2 exactly like Starcraft with an extra race. Oh wait that's impossible because the game is already perfectly balanced :kickass:
Better graphics, a few more units, and yeah, Starcraft 2 would be ace.

I must admit, this is the first Nintendo console I've ever really thought about buying. It looks fun. Does anyone have any details about the physical media the games will be released on?
Im very glad that Im not the only one who is so excited about the Wii:P
I am particularly excited about the new Yoshi's Island, since the original is my number 1 favourite game of all time.

Wii also has a bunch of games Im looking forward to:

Mario Galaxy
new sidescroller Mario(is this for Wii?)
Some FPS I don't remember the name of