iTunes 9. WHAT THE FUCK.

Loren Littlejohn

Lover of all boobage.
Every time there is a new version, I have to un fuck the default look back to what I am used to.

Apple wants to look like Microsoft for some reason. I say :puke:

love iTunes... i just turn off the bullshit i don't like, and i've never had to reset my default view settings, so not sure why that happened to you. i do hate that i had to use some under-the-hood script to turn off the little store arrows... that annoyed me, but i got over it... iTunes is excellent... i love life with iTunes... and yes, i've tried plenty of other options, including Songbird, which is pretty much just "open source iTunes". i know the open-source aspect appeals to some, but not me... don't care. iTunes does what i need it to do and then some. everything else that i don't like i turn off.

one thing i really love is how i can add "remote" speakers via my wireless network and a few Airport Expresses... iTunes lets you add as many as you like... so when i play something on iTunes, i can have it throughout my house in every room i have speakers and an airport express in, and control it all wirelessly with my iPhone, cueing albums, songs, playlists, and turning whichever speakers i want on/off.

as long as they keep these features, and the unparalleled media management, i'll deal with any petty annoyances that pop up, and never change again.
I use iTunes mostly out of necessity. It has the best sorting and access options out of any media player I've tried. Very easy to get what you're after. However it isn't very open to 3rd party standards like SPC etc. so I can't play any of my SNES music. I dislike the 'Apple' factor about it, which inherently makes it somewhat insular and 'you gotta do it our way'.

If something better comes along I'll switch, but Foobar2000 hasn't exactly taken my fancy.

Here's to hoping Google start to dominate that market too.
Only thing I hate about iTunes 9 is that after it crashed I was unable to reboot my MBP, and couldn't even boot from the install disc :(. It's currently at an Apple store awaiting repairs... fucking beautiful timing, seeing as I move into my dorm on Saturday.
I love XMMS2. Fuck you, media players that just have to be bitchy about having a window open or making it complicated to control everything from the command line.

love iTunes... i just turn off the bullshit i don't like, and i've never had to reset my default view settings, so not sure why that happened to you. i do hate that i had to use some under-the-hood script to turn off the little store arrows... that annoyed me, but i got over it... iTunes is excellent... i love life with iTunes... and yes, i've tried plenty of other options, including Songbird, which is pretty much just "open source iTunes". i know the open-source aspect appeals to some, but not me... don't care. iTunes does what i need it to do and then some. everything else that i don't like i turn off.

one thing i really love is how i can add "remote" speakers via my wireless network and a few Airport Expresses... iTunes lets you add as many as you like... so when i play something on iTunes, i can have it throughout my house in every room i have speakers and an airport express in, and control it all wirelessly with my iPhone, cueing albums, songs, playlists, and turning whichever speakers i want on/off.

as long as they keep these features, and the unparalleled media management, i'll deal with any petty annoyances that pop up, and never change again.

I went to download Glee for my wife and it wouldn't let me until I downloaded version 9 (brand new, I'm guessing it came out today?).

Anyhow that screen shot it how it looks. :puke:
Dude, iTunes backwards spells Senuti!!!! Holy shit! That's like some Arabic Freemason terrorist conspiracy theory shit! Run for your life it's Senuti!

( I thought this was tear-jerking funny. It's very late here... )

The fact that you felt the need to put a disclaimer in means that even you think its really not funny at all.

Jokes are either funny or they're not, putting a bit in at the end to cover the latter outcome is just lame. :erk:
i heart itunes
only thing i dislike about it is that i cant play flacs in there too. annoying as fuck only using VLC just for one specific file type.
convert flacs to any rate mp3 or AAC you wish using Switch, then just import them into iTunes and tag them. i have downloaded numerous albums that i own on vinyl to save the time of ripping them myself.. sometimes i can only find them in FLAC, and i convert them, with Switch, to AAC 320. i just listen to the vinyl when i want the full-res listening experience. IMO, flac is for those that want the full-res experience w/o bothering to actually buy the music. this will be my opinion up to and until iTunes, Rhapsody, and all the other digital media stores start selling FLAC versions. if that happens though, iTunes, and other media apps that currently don't, will start supporting flac, so there'll be no need for tools like Switch. the free version is great.
So I had to remove my HDD, put it in an ext case (booting into firewire target disk mode didn't work), and hook it up to my iMac, but after repairing the disk in Disk Utility, my MBP is alive and well again!!
yeah... i just can't see any changes though... what changes are you talking about exactly? still looks just like 8 to me.
I use iTunes and love it. I can purchase music, in my boxer shorts, while drinking a beer, at any time of day.

Basically, I look at iTunes as the Burger King of the online music world - I really can have it my way, right away. :lol: